Sunday, May 31, 2020

PSF GSoC students blogs: Weekly Check-in #01 (Week #01)

>>> import Introduction
>>> Introduction.display()
Hello World! My name is Saksham Arora. I'm a 2nd year undergraduate student from India pursuing B. Tech in Information Technology. This is my blog for GSoC 2020 @ PSF!
Over the summer, I'll be working with DFFML under the umbrella of Python Software Foundation. My project for the summer is to Integrate Image Processing into DFFML!
GSoC 2020 Weekly Check-in #01 (Week #01 - 01/06/2020)

What did you do this week?

Since it was the last week of Community Bonding period, I worked on finishing a few pending issues assigned to me, researched and brushed up on important topics related to my GSoC project. In the community bonding period, we had virtual meetings (also called Weekly Syncs) twice a week where I interacted with the mentors to discuss about new features and enhancements for the project. Also, I went through a few videos and documentation on asynchronous functions in python which was recommended by one of the mentors as a part of understanding the codebase better!

What is coming up next?

I will be adding the capability to normalize the MNIST dataset and pre-process any image provided for prediction on the dataset using the CLI before feeding it to a machine learning model. I will be discussing with the mentors on the best approach to get started on my project and start working on wrapping the OpenCV library with DFFML this week!

Did you get stuck anywhere?

I briefly got stuck at a unittesting error where it was trying to create a test class out of a decorator function which it shouldn't be doing, I was eventually able to figure it out after thoroughly going through the importing section in the Python documentation.


I'm very excited to get started on this journey. I hope everyone does great this summer!
Thank you for reading!

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