Sunday, May 31, 2020

PSF GSoC students blogs: Week 1 check-in


Welcome to my blog. I am participating in this year's GSoC program for Panda3D - a suborgansiation under PSF. Today is the start of the coding period. Its 7:00 am in India here and I am starting this memorable day by writing my first blog here on this forum. I have been assigned the task to integrate Recast & Detour tools in Panda3D game engine. Already excited by the project idea, I started playing with the tools of Panda3D during the community bonding period. I did go through a lot of blogs and articles about "recastnavigation", which is the github repository that provides the Recast and Detour tools. Well, this was pretty much what I did in the previous month, but now starts the actual coding period. I plan to start by planning the classes and functions required to bring recast into the Panda3D world.

So yeah, I am very much excited to let you guys how all of it unfolds.

Let's start the journey! 

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