Thursday, January 13, 2022

Will Kahn-Greene: Everett v3.0.0 released!

What is it?

Everett is a configuration library for Python apps.

Goals of Everett:

  1. flexible configuration from multiple configured environments

  2. easy testing with configuration

  3. easy automated documentation of configuration for users

From that, Everett has the following features:

  • is flexible for your configuration environment needs and supports process environment, env files, dicts, INI files, YAML files, and writing your own configuration environments

  • facilitates helpful error messages for users trying to configure your software

  • has a Sphinx extension for documenting configuration including autocomponentconfig and automoduleconfig directives for automatically generating configuration documentation

  • facilitates testing of configuration values

  • supports parsing values of a variety of types like bool, int, lists of things, classes, and others and lets you write your own parsers

  • supports key namespaces

  • supports component architectures

  • works with whatever you’re writing–command line tools, web sites, system daemons, etc

v3.0.0 released!

This is a major release that sports three things:

  • Adjustments in Python support.

    Everett 3.0.0 drops support for Python 3.6 and picks up support for Python 3.10.

  • Reworked namespaces so they work better with Everett components.

    Previously, you couldn't apply a namespace after binding the configuration to a component. Now you can.

    This handles situations like this component:

    class MyComponent:
        class Config:
            http_host = Option(default="localhost")
            http_port = Option(default="8000", parser=int)
            db_host = Option(default="localhost")
            db_port = Option(default="5432", parser=int)
    config = ConfigManager.basic_config()
    # Bind the configuration to a specific component so you can only use
    # options defined in that component
    component_config = config.with_options(MyComponent)
    # Apply a namespace which acts as a prefix for options defined in
    # the component
    http_config = component_config.with_namespace("http")
    db_config = component_config.with_namespace("db")
  • Overhauled Sphinx extension.

    This is the new thing that I'm most excited about. This fixes a lot of my problems with documenting configuration.

    Everett now lets you:

    • document options and components:

      Example option:

      .. everett:option:: SOME_OPTION
         :parser: int
         :default: "5"
         Here's some option.

      Example component:

      .. everett:component:: SOME_COMPONENT
         .. rubric:: Options
         .. everett:option:: SOME_OPTION
            :parser: int
            :default: "5"
            Here's some option.
    • autodocument all the options defined in a Python class

      Example autocomponentconfig:

      .. autocomponentconfig:: myproject.module.MyComponent
         :case: upper
    • autodocument all the options defined in a Python module

      Example automoduleconfig:

      .. automoduleconfig:: mydjangoproject.settings._config
         :case: upper

    This works much better with configuration in Django settings modules. This works with component architectures. This works with centrally defining configuration with a configuration class.

    Further, all options and components are added to the index, have unique links, and are easier to link to in your documentation.

    I updated the Antenna (Mozilla crash ingestion collector) docs:

    I updated the Eliot (Mozilla Symbolication Service) docs:

Why you should take a look at Everett

Everett makes it easy to:

  1. deal with different configurations between local development and server environments

  2. write tests for configuration values

  3. document configuration

  4. debug configuration issues

First-class docs. First-class configuration error help. First-class testing. This is why I created Everett.

If this sounds useful to you, take it for a spin. It's almost a drop-in replacement for python-decouple and os.environ.get('CONFIGVAR', 'default_value') style of configuration so it's easy to test out.

Where to go for more

For more specifics on this release, see here:

Documentation and quickstart here:

Source code and issue tracker here:

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