Thursday, January 13, 2022

Python Bytes: #266 Python has a glossary?

<p><strong>Watch the live stream:</strong></p> <a href='' style='font-weight: bold;'>Watch on YouTube</a><br> <br> <p><strong>About the show</strong></p> <p>Sponsored by Datadog: <a href=""><strong></strong></a></p> <p><strong>Brian #1:</strong> <strong>Python</strong> <a href=""><strong>glossary</strong></a> <strong>and</strong> <a href=""><strong>FAQ</strong></a></p> <ul> <li>Inspired by a tweet by Trey Hunner that referenced the glossary</li> <li><a href="">glossary</a> <ul> <li>All the Python and programming terms in one place</li> <li>Often refers to other parts of the documentation.</li> <li>Forget what an “abstract base class” is? <a href="">Just look it up</a> </li> </ul></li> <li><a href="">FAQ</a> <ul> <li>Has sections on <ul> <li><a href="">General Python</a></li> <li><a href="">Programming</a></li> <li><a href="">Design and History</a></li> <li><a href="">Library and Extension</a></li> <li><a href="">Extending/Embedding</a></li> <li><a href="">Python on Windows</a></li> <li><a href="">Graphic User Interface</a></li> <li><a href="">“Why is Python Installed on my Computer?”</a></li> </ul></li> <li>Some decent reading here, actually.</li> <li>Example <ul> <li><a href="">What is the difference between arguments and parameters?</a> - that’s under Programming</li> </ul></li> </ul></li> </ul> <p><strong>Michael #2:</strong> <a href=""><strong></strong></a></p> <ul> <li>Learned about it via <a href="">asyncer</a></li> <li>AnyIO is an asynchronous networking and concurrency library that works on top of either <a href="">asyncio</a> or <a href="">trio</a>. </li> <li>It implements trio-like <a href="">structured concurrency</a> (SC) on top of asyncio</li> <li>Works in harmony with the native SC of trio itself</li> <li>Check out <a href="">the features</a></li> <li>AnyIO also comes with its own <a href="">pytest</a> plugin which also supports asynchronous fixtures.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Brian #3:</strong> <a href=""><strong>Vaex</strong></a> <a href=""><strong>:</strong></a> <a href=""><strong>a high performance Python library for lazy Out-of-Core DataFrames</strong></a></p> <ul> <li>suggested by Glen Ferguson</li> <li>“Vaex is a python library for lazy <strong>Out-of-Core DataFrames</strong> (similar to Pandas), to visualize and explore big tabular datasets.”</li> <li>out-of-core: “The term <em>out-of-core</em> typically refers to processing data that is too large to fit into a computer’s main memory.” - from <a href=""></a>, a Machine Learning Glossary site. <ul> <li>nice tie in, right?</li> </ul></li> <li>Vaex uses memory mapping, a zero memory copy policy, and lazy computations.</li> <li>There’s a great intro in the form of a presentation from <a href="">SciPy 2019</a></li> </ul> <p><strong>Michael #4:</strong> <a href=""><strong>Django Community Survey Results</strong></a></p> <ul> <li>Only 15% of Django developers use it ONLY for work, while two thirds use it both for work and for personal, educational, or side projects.</li> <li>Majority use latest Django</li> <li>Most devs upgrade every stable release</li> <li>Postgres is the primary DB (MongoDB is nowhere in sight)</li> <li>Most sites have Redis caching tiers</li> </ul> <p><strong>Michael #5: Extra, Extra, Extra, Extra:</strong></p> <ul> <li><a href="">Django security releases issued: 4.0.1, 3.2.11, and 2.2.26</a></li> <li><a href="">Static Sites with Sphinx and Markdown</a> course by Paul Everitt is now out</li> <li><a href="">CalDigit Thunderbolt 4 Element Hub</a> review (more info <a href="">Video by Doc Rock</a>, get it on <a href="">Amazon here</a>)</li> <li><a href="">StreamDeck setup</a> for our live streams</li> <li><a href="http://">Michael’s PyBay HTMX talk</a> is up</li> <li><a href="">Python Web Conf 2022</a> - I’ll be speaking there and we’re media sponsors of the conference so use code <strong>PythonBytes@PWC2022</strong> for 15% off, March 21-25.</li> <li><a href="">PyCascades 2022</a> is also happening soon, February 5th-6th, 2022</li> </ul> <p><strong>Joke:</strong> </p> <p><img src="" alt="" /></p>

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