Thursday, December 23, 2021

Tryton News: Foundation 2021 Resume

As we are ending the year I will like to give an update about the tasks performed by the foundation. Unfortunately we haven’t still finished the two tasks that were founded on the Foundation Budget Update:

  • Creating an overview of the infrastructure.
  • Improving our website contents.

Our apologies by having not completed them yet :pray:. We all had a hard time last year and a reduced quantity of resources. Having said that, we want to clarify that the budgeted money for this tasks isn’t spent yet. Our plan is to perform them in the next year.

We haven’t received any proposal for the infrastructure maintenance :man_mechanic: :woman_mechanic: for the next year. But we would like to thank B2CK for continuing providing us a reliable infrastructure. Despite not having the infrastructure overview available I will encourage anyone willing to help on such task to contact the foundation or send me a direct message expressing his interest. We will be happy to comment any proposal and provide more details of the needed work.

On the other had, I have some news related to other foundation mission’s: Protect the Tryton trademark. We have renewed the Tryton Trademark registration for the next 10 years :partying_face:.

Our commitment is to continue improving step by step, so I will like to advance some of the topics we are planning to work on:

  • The budget for the next year.
  • The board of foundation directors renewal until November 2022.

I’ll like to remember that the foundation exists due its supporters and you can become one by sending us an email. If you want to support the project I will encourage you to become a supporter.

Also we are open to suggestions and feedback and we want to listen all voices in the community. If you have some idea or something that you think its relevant for the next foundation budget I will encourage you to share it on the forum or contact the foundation.

I can not end without a photo of our Spanish Santa Claus:

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year for everyone!

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