Thursday, December 23, 2021

IslandT: The completion of the python calculator project

After nearly a week of hard work this python calculator project has been completed with some bugs in it and it is time to test the entire application and see whether is it working or not…

The reason I want to create this project

I have a similar application on Google Play and there are bugs in it thus I want to write the whole code again with Java. Instead of directly writing it in Java I will write the code in python first and if it is working then I will translate the python code into Java!

Now let us test the application together

Without wasting time let us start to test the entire application. First of all, go to the application main page to download the application. If you are using windows 10 then you can directly download the main.exe file and run the application on your laptop. Or if you are using Linux or you prefer to run the file then just go to the application main page and download both the and file then start the program in the IDE such as pycharm! That is it, now let us begin the testing process.


The testing procedure of adding, subtracting, multiplying, and divide

Press these buttons on the application:

  1. 6 * 5 ꞊, you will get 30.0. Clear with the C button which will clear everything inside the memory but will not clear the grand total memory (GT which I will show you how to use it later on). Now let us continue with the substraction, divide and adding process!
  2. 5 – 6 ꞊, you will get -1.0. Press the C button again.
  3. 4 ÷ 5 ꞊, you will get 0.8. Press C again.
  4. 4 + 2 ꞊, you will get 6.0. Press C again.

What is the grand total of the above outcomes?

In order to get the grand total of the above outcome, press the GT button, you will get 35.8 (30+(-1)+0.8+6). Now press the GT button again to clear the memory of the grand total.

Let test the other functions

  1. Press 6 and then 1/x button then ꞊, you will get 0.166666. Press C.
  2. Press 3 and then x (square) button then ꞊ to get 9.0. Press C.
  3. Press 9 then the x (square root) button then ꞊ to get 3.0. Press C.
  4. Press 5 then the % button then ꞊ to get 0.05. Press C.
  5. Press 2 then press the +/- button to switch from +2 to -2 and -2 to +2. Press C.
  6. Enter any numbers then press the <- button to delete any number you want! Press C.
  7. The CE button is to clear the most recent entry, try this out, enter 5 then – then 9 then CE to clear 9 then – then 5 then ꞊, you will get 0 because 5 – 5 = 0.
  8. MC button is to clear the entire memory.
  9. Lets do this, press 6 + 7 =, then MS to store the answer inside the memory. Press C to clear. Next Press 3-4=, then press M+ to add the answer to the current memory, then press C to clear, next press 3 * 5 =, then press M- to minus the amount from the current memory, next press MR to recall and show the final answer on the screen. The answer is -3.0 (6+7+(-1)-15)!
  10. Finally, try out the significant figure, press 0 then . then 5 to make it 0.5!

That is it, the testing procedure is complete.

The next move…

Please go through extra testing on your own and let me know whether you have found any bug in the program or perhaps you would like to help me out by contributing to this project on Github!

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