Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Kushal Das: Introducing dns-tor-proxy, a new way to do all of your DNS calls over Tor

dns-tor-proxy is a small DNS server which you can run in your local system along with the Tor process. It will use the SOCKS5 proxy provided from Tor, and route all of your DNS queries over encrypted connections via Tor.

By default the tool will use (from Cloudflare) as the upstream server, but as the network calls will happen over Tor, this will provide you better privacy than using directly.

In this first release I am only providing source packages, maybe in future I will add binaries so that people can download and use them directly.


In the following demo I am building the tool, running it at port 5300, and then using dig to find the IP addresses for mirrors.fedoraproject.org and python.org.

demo of dns tor proxy

The -h flag will show you all the available configurable options.

./dns-tor-proxy -h

Usage of ./dns-tor-proxy:
  -h, --help            Prints the help message and exists.
      --port int        Port on which the tool will listen. (default 53)
      --proxy string    The Tor SOCKS5 proxy to connect locally,  IP:PORT format. (default "")
      --server string   The DNS server to connect IP:PORT format. (default "")
  -v, --version         Prints the version and exists.
Make sure that your Tor process is running and has a SOCKS proxy enabled.

from Planet Python
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1 comment:

  1. Wonderful illustrated information. I thank you about that. No doubt it will be very useful for my future projects. Would like to see some other posts on the same subject! free vpn


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