Friday, May 29, 2020

PSF GSoC students blogs: Community Bonding Check-in

What did you do during this period?

I had an onboarding meeting with my mentors where we got to know each other a bit better. They advised me to play around with uarray and unumpy without any goal in mind which I found to be a very good advice. I played a bit with special methods by implementing a simple Vector2D class and used the code in this notebook with some print statements to understand better the protocols and how they are called. I wanted to start earlier on my project so I took over a PR from one of my mentors which adds multimethods for the linalg module.

What is coming up next?

I'm going to continue the PR that I have been working on since it still isn't finished and I will also follow the proposed timeline and start adding multimethods for other routines like checking class equality in array elements. Some mathematical constants and their aliases are also missing so I will be adding these too and probably refactoring the existing ones into classes. This week marks the end of my college classes but I still have some assignments and exams coming up in the following weeks so there's a lot of work ahead of me to proper balance both university studies and GSoC but I wouldn't have it other way.

Did you get stuck anywhere?

I consider the PR that I started working during this period to be a challenging one since some mathematical intuition is needed to translate Linear Algebra routines into proper functions. Things like decomposition of a matrix into eigenvalues and eigenvectors to calculate its n-th power is something I'm not too familiar with specially in a programming context. With that said there hasn't been a roadblock for me up until now and usually I can wrap my head around these concepts in half a day. It should be noted that mentor help plays a huge part in this as they frequently give me very good advices. Despite that I usually think a lot before doing a commit to make sure that what I'm pushing is correct I notice that I still can't avoid some mistakes, even ones that should be obvious to me. I guess these mistakes are normal and they are corrected soon after so no harm's done but I'm training myself to not do them as often.

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