We are very excited to announce the first version of our EuroPython 2020 schedule:

More sessions than we ever dreamed of
After the 2nd CFP, we found that we had so many good talk submissions that we were able to open a fourth track. Together with the newly added slots for the Indian / Asian / Pacific and Americas time zones, we now have a fully packed program, with:
- more than 110 sessions,
- more than 110 speakers from around the world,
- 4 brilliant keynotes, two of which are already published,
- 2 exciting lightning talk blocks,
- 4 all-day tracks, with a whole track dedicated to data science topics,
- a poster track, which we’ll announce next week,
- a virtual social event,
- an after party,
- and lots of socializing on our conference platform.
We are proud to have reached almost the size of our in-person event with the online version of EuroPython 2020.

Never miss a talk
All talks will be made available to the attendees as live Webinars, with easy switching between tracks, as well as online streams, which will allow rewinding to watch talks you may have missed during the day.
Conference Tickets
Conference tickets are available on our registration page. We have simplified and greatly reduced the prices for the EuroPython 2020 online edition.
As always, all proceeds from the conference will go into our grants budget, which we use to fund financial aid for the next EuroPython edition, special workshops and other European conferences and projects:
EuroPython Society Grants Program
We hope to see lots of you at the conference in July. Rest assured that we’ll make this a great event again — even within the limitations of running the conference online.
On Saturday and Sunday, we will have sprints/hackathons on a variety of topics. Registration of sprint topics has already started. If you would like to run a sprint, please add your sprint topic to the wiki page we have available for this:
EuroPython 2020 Sprints Listing
If registrations continue as they currently do, we will have a few hundred people waiting to participate in your sprint projects, so this is the perfect chance for you to promote your project and find new contributors.
Participation in the sprints is free, but does require registration. We will provide the necessary collaboration tools in form of dedicated Jitsi or Zoom virtual rooms and text channels on our Discord server.
EuroPython is your conference
EuroPython has always been a completely volunteer based effort. The organizers work hundreds of hours to make the event happen and will try very hard to create an inspiring and exciting event.
However, we can only provide the setting. You, as our attendees, are the ones who fill it with life and creativity.
We are very much looking forward to having you at the conference !
EuroPython 2020 Team
from Planet Python
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