Wednesday, July 31, 2019

PSF GSoC students blogs: Coding week #9

What did I do this week?

After a productive discussion with my mentors last week, we agreed to proceed coding the local scoring algorithm for Binomial MGWR and testing the results from that. After familiarizing myself with the literature on the local scoring procedure, I coded it in the context of local models for MGWR. After multiple iterations, the model is converging and the bandwidth results are looking as expected. Though the parameter coefficients have values close to expected but not as accurate as needed. There could be possible issues with the weights associated in the model, and some adjustments need to be made for the coefficients which need to be figured out.

What is coming up next?

In the coming week I will work on resolving the coefficient value issue discussed above and design and implement a Monte-Carlo design for the Binomial model as was done for the Poisson MGWR model.

Did I get stuck anywhere?

The modeling of the binary response variable with MGWR is still not resolved and issues have been encountered continuously in it, though that is expected from research. Hoping to resolve these final issues soon and work further on the predictions with GWR and MGWR.

Looking forward to the progress update next week!

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