Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Tryton News: Newsletter February 2022

Time goes by and improvements to Tryton continue to be made. Here you can find the latest changes which have been included in the last month.

Changes for the User

The forecasts are now used for all supply calculations instead of only the purchase requests.

In the web client, the list of tabs no longer wraps on large screens but scrolls horizontally and each tab entry takes up the full width on small screens.

We now calculate an early date for the partial quantity if there isn’t one for the full quantity.

It is no longer possible to close (or remove) the type of an account that is already used in account move lines.

The auto-detection of CSV headers now stops on the first error in the web client.

We now support editing Shopify orders.

The accounts can have another type when their balance is a credit. This is the opposite of the existing debit type.

We do not create any more dunning for lines with pending payment.

Production orders with missing early moves are no more proposed for early planning.

We renamed the split lines accounting wizard into reschedule lines to be less confusing.

Changes for the System Administrator

The country module supports pycountry version 22.1.10.

We mirror the geonames zip files and use our mirror by default. This was needed because the original host has frequent downtime.

We removed the entropy check on user password. We found that it was not a good way to enforce good password. We recommend to use the forbidden list instead.

Changes for the Developer

We process sales for Shopify asynchronously as it can be quite slow due to the Shopify rate limit.

The view_id is now set in the context when parsing the view. So it can be used to apply attributes depending on the view in ModelView.view_attributes.

We replaced the deepcopy of the JSON-RPC result in the desktop client by a faster implementation based on the json types.

The country module can now load subdivisions with unknown types. This was needed to support future versions of pycountry.

The ORM uses now the already cached data to instantiate relational target records for which the context depends on other fields. This optimization prevents extra SQL queries for most of the cases.

The stock margin report retrieves the product’s unit from the SQL query instead of using a Function field which was triggering a second execution of the table query.

We replaced the back-off time on Shopify API calls by an automatic retry loop. This allows to make the first calls quickly until it consume the available bucket.

The board action domain is now limited to active_id and active_ids and they are stored in a dedicated _actions dictionary.

We added on ir.ui.view the view_get RPC method which can be used by the board to support inheritance like the other views.

The xpath inheritance of views applies now on all matching elements (instead of only the first) by default.

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