Tuesday, February 1, 2022

PyCoder’s Weekly: Issue #510 (Feb. 1, 2022)

#510 – FEBRUARY 1, 2022
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What Is a JIT and How Can Pyjion Speed Up Your Python?

How can you can speed up Python? Have you thought of using a JIT (Just-In-Time Compiler)? This week on the show, we have Real Python author and previous guest Anthony Shaw to talk about his project Pyjion, a drop-in JIT compiler for CPython 3.10.

10 Unknown Security Pitfalls for Python

“In this blog post, we share 10 security pitfalls we encountered in real-world Python projects. We chose pitfalls that we believe are less known in the developer community.”

Monitor and Optimize Python Application Uptime and Trace App Requests in Real Time With Datadog APM


Trace requests across service boundaries and identify latency and other potential errors with end-to-end application tracing. Datadog’s unified platform enables you to correlate traces with related metrics and logs for fast troubleshooting. Track Python app performance by trying Datadog APM out →
DATADOG sponsor

Draw the Mandelbrot Set in Python

In this tutorial, you’ll visualize the famous Mandelbrot set using Python’s Matplotlib and Pillow libraries. You’ll learn how to draw the fractal in black and white, grayscale, and color.

Apple Removes Python 2.7 in macOS Monterey 12.3

“Python 2.7 was removed from macOS in this update. Developers should use Python 3 or an alternative language instead.” Also see the related discussion on Hacker News.

Black, the Python Code Formatter, Is Stable

The popular Python auto-formatter Black is finally non-beta software. Related discussion on Hacker News and Black’s stability policy doc.

Django Security Releases Issued: 4.0.2, 3.2.12, and 2.2.27

Includes fixes for a possible XSS via debug template tag and a denial-of-service possibility in file uploads.


Should PyPI Deprecate .egg Uploads?

.egg uploads make up less than 1% of built distribution uploads in Dec 2021. Do you still build or install eggs, or maintain a tool that supports eggs?

Python Jobs

Senior Python Engineer (Anywhere)


Senior Backend Engineer Django (UK, Europe)


Backend Software Engineer (Anywhere)

Catalpa International

Senior Full-Stack Web Developer (Anywhere)


Python Engineer Web Scraping (Asia, TX, America)


Python Trainer (Jakarta, Indonesia)

Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt

More Python Jobs >>>

Articles & Tutorials

Looping With Python enumerate()

Once you learn about for loops in Python, you know that using an index to access items in a sequence isn’t very Pythonic. So what do you do when you need that index value? In this course, you’ll learn all about Python’s built-in enumerate(), where it’s used, and how you can emulate its behavior.

PySide2 vs PySide6: What Are the Differences, and Is It Time to Upgrade?

If you are already developing Python GUI apps with PySide2, you might be asking yourself whether it’s time to upgrade to PySide6 and use the latest version of the Qt library.

Data Elixir: Data Science Newsletter

Data Elixir is a free newsletter that curates intermediate and advanced data science content from around the web. Covers analytics, machine learning, data visualization, analytics, and strategy →

The Fastest Way to Read a CSV in Pandas

This article covers: Pandas’ default CSV reading, the faster, more parallel CSV reader introduced in v1.4, and a different approach that can make things even faster.

Executable Docs

It’s common to include interactive Python sessions inside documentation. With a small script we can turn these docs into Jupyter notebooks and serve them instantly.
IVO HOUBRECHTS • Shared by Ivo Houbrechts

Raining Outside? Build a Weather CLI App With Python

In this tutorial, you’ll write a nicely formatted Python CLI app that displays information about the current weather in any city you provide the name for.

Find and Fix Performance Issues Fast With Scout APM

Scout APM is an application performance monitoring tool that ties performance anomalies directly to endpoints, saving developers hours of time spent on troubleshooting and debugging. Start your free trial today to see if Scout APM is right for you!
SCOUT APM sponsor

Projects & Code


PyCascades Remote 2020

February 5 to February 7, 2022

Happy Pythoning!
This was PyCoder’s Weekly Issue #510.
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