Tuesday, January 11, 2022

PyCoder’s Weekly: Issue #507 (Jan. 11, 2022)

#507 – JANUARY 11, 2022
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The PyCoder’s Weekly Logo

Hey there,

Quick announcement: I’m looking to hire a talented PyCoder’s Weekly Curator and Podcast Co-Host to join the PyCoder’s team in a part-time, freelance role 🎉

In this role, you’ll research and curate links and news for PyCoder’s Weekly and you’ll regularly join the Real Python Podcast to co-host the show with Christopher Bailey to talk about the latest Python news and projects.

You’ll work closely with me (Dan Bader) and the host of the RP Podcast (Christopher Bailey) in this role and we will train you on the specifics of our curation tools and podcast recording process.

Basically, you’ll be getting paid to read Python articles and stay up to date with the latest projects and Python news 🎓🐍

If you’re interested or know anybody who would be a great fit for this role, check out the full job posting at the link below:

→ PyCoder’s Curator and Podcast Co-Host (Part-Time, Remote) Wanted

Build a Django Front End With Bulma – Part 2

In the second part of this tutorial series, you’ll continue to build out a social network with Django. You’ll learn how to set up routing, views, and templates for your app. You’ll also apply CSS styling to the Django front end by using the Bulma framework to improve your app’s user interface.

Deploy Your Python Script on the Web With Flask

In this course, you’ll learn how to go from a local Python script to a fully deployed Flask web application that you can share with the world.

How to Quickly Label Data for Machine Learning


With Toloka, you can control the accuracy and speed of data labeling to develop high performing ML models. Our platform supports annotation for image classification, semantic segmentation, object detection, named entity recognition, sentiment analysis, speech recognition, text classification →
TOLOKA AI sponsor


Python Jobs

PyCoder's Weekly Curator and Podcast Co-Host (Part-Time, Remote)

Real Python

Python Engineer Web Scraping (Asia, TX, America)


Senior Software Engineer (Anywhere)


Sr DevOps Engineer (San Jose, CA, USA)

Tara Techincal Solutions

Senior Software Engineer (Anywhere)


More Python Jobs >>>

Articles & Tutorials

Dependency Risk and Funding

From the creator of Flask: “I have a love/hate relationship with dependencies. I wrote about this extensively on this blog. […] Somehow very unsurprisingly nothing has actually improved in that regard in the last 5 years. In fact, I think the problem has become significantly worse. Where a few years back the main fear here was high profile developers being targeted, the dependency discussion is now overlapped and conflated with discussions about funding and sustainability.”

Continuing to Unravel Python’s Syntactic Sugar With Brett Cannon

“A year ago, we had Brett Cannon on the show to discuss his blog series about unravelling Python’s syntactic sugar. Brett has written 15 more entries in the series, and he returns to the show this week to continue our conversation. We dive into unravelling async and await statements and their relationship with Python’s generators.”

Do You Know if Your Users Toggled Off Notifications


Clubhouse case study: you’ll remember they were the most downloaded app in APR of 2021. If you recall they spammed users with notifications. Most were irrelevant. Had they had a centralized notification system with a sophisticated preferences module the mass exodus likely could have been avoided →
COURIER sponsor

3 Things You Might Not Know About Numbers in Python

If you’ve done any coding in Python, there’s a good chance that you’ve used a number in one of your programs. But there’s more to numbers then just their raw value. Take a deep dive into numbers in Python and explore three things about them that you might not know about.
DAVID AMOS • Shared by David Amos

Build and Handle POST Requests in Django – Part 3

In the third part of this tutorial series, you’ll continue to build out a social network with Django. You’ll make it possible to follow and unfollow user profiles, create buttons to handle POST requests, and set up Django models for your users’ text-based content.

Start the New Year Working Towards Your New Career in Data Analytics

Ready to take the leap and start working towards your career in data analytics? With Springboard’s Data Analytics Bootcamp, you’ll gain the skills, experience, and build a professional portfolio needed to get hired. Learn more today.

Nine Rules for Writing Python Extensions in Rust

Practical lessons from upgrading Bed-Reader, a Python bioinformatics package.

Neural Network From Scratch

Learn how a neural network works by building one from scratch, with Python.

Projects & Code



January 13, 2022

Python Atlanta

January 13, 2022

Global AI Bootcamp 2022

January 15 to January 16, 2022


January 15, 2022

Happy Pythoning!
This was PyCoder’s Weekly Issue #507.
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