Thursday, December 30, 2021

Kushal Das: Johnnycanencrypt 0.6.0 released

A few days ago I released 0.6.0 of Johnnycanencrypt. It is a Python module written in Rust for OpenPGP using the amazing sequoia-pgp library. It allows you to access/use Yubikeys (without gpg-agent) directly from your code.

This release took almost an year. Though most of the work was done before, but I was not in a state to do a release.

Major changes

  • We can now sign and decrypt using both Curve25519 and RSA keys on the smartcard (we support only Yubikeys)
  • Changing of the password of the secret keys
  • Updating expiry date of the subkeys
  • Adding new user ID(s)
  • Revoking user ID(s)

I also released a new version of Tumpa which uses this. An updated package for Debian 11.

from Planet Python
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