Thursday, December 2, 2021

John Ludhi/ Amazon Review Summarization Using GPT-2 And PyTorch

Amazon Review Summarization Using GPT-2 And PyTorch

Since its reveal in 2017 in the popular paper Attention Is All You Need (, the Transformer quickly became the most popular model in NLP. The ability to process text in a non-sequential way (as opposed to RNNs) allowed for training of big models. The attention mechanism it introduced proved extremely useful in generalizing text.

Following the paper, several popular transformers surfaced, the most popular of which is GPT. GPT models are developed and trained by OpenAI, one of the leaders in AI research. The latest release of GPT is GPT-3, which has 175 billion parameters. The model was very advanced to the point where OpenAI chose not to open-source it. People can access it through an API after a signup process and a long queue.

However, GPT-2, their previous release is open-source and available on many deep learning frameworks.

In this excercise, we use Huggingface and PyTorch to fine-tune a GPT-2 model for review summarization.


  • Imports and Data Loading
  • Data Preprocessing
  • Setup and Training
  • Summary Writing

Imports and Data Loading

In [ ]:
!pip install transformers
In [2]:
import re
import random
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import torch
from import Dataset, DataLoader
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelWithLMHead
import torch.optim as optim

We set the device to enable GPU processing.

In [3]:
device = torch.device('cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
device(type='cuda', index=0)
In [4]:
from google.colab import drive
Mounted at /content/drive

The data we will use for training summarization is the Amazon review dataset, which can be found at

When writing a review on Amazon, customers write a review and a title for the review. The dataset treats the title as the summary of the review.

In [5]:
reviews_path = "/content/drive/My Drive/Colab Notebooks/reviews.txt"

We use the standard python method of opening txt files:

In [6]:
with open(reviews_path, "r") as reviews_raw:
    reviews = reviews_raw.readlines()

Showing 5 instances:

In [7]:
['I have bought several of the Vitality canned dog food products and have found them all to be of good quality. The product looks more like a stew than a processed meat and it smells better. My Labrador is finicky and she appreciates this product better than  most. = Good Quality Dog Food\n',
 'Product arrived labeled as Jumbo Salted Peanuts...the peanuts were actually small sized unsalted. Not sure if this was an error or if the vendor intended to represent the product as "Jumbo". = Not as Advertised\n',
 'This is a confection that has been around a few centuries.  It is a light, pillowy citrus gelatin with nuts - in this case Filberts. And it is cut into tiny squares and then liberally coated with powdered sugar.  And it is a tiny mouthful of heaven.  Not too chewy, and very flavorful.  I highly recommend this yummy treat.  If you are familiar with the story of C.S. Lewis\' "The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe" - this is the treat that seduces Edmund into selling out his Brother and Sisters to the Witch. = "Delight" says it all\n',
 'If you are looking for the secret ingredient in Robitussin I believe I have found it.  I got this in addition to the Root Beer Extract I ordered (which was good) and made some cherry soda.  The flavor is very medicinal. = Cough Medicine\n',
 'Great taffy at a great price.  There was a wide assortment of yummy taffy.  Delivery was very quick.  If your a taffy lover, this is a deal. = Great taffy\n']

As shown, each sample consists of the review followed by its summary, separated by the equals (=) sign.

In [8]:

There are ~71K instances in the dataset, which is sufficient to train a GPT-2 model.

Data Preprocessing

The beauty of GPT-2 is its ability to multi-task. The same model can be trained on more than 1 task at a time. However, we should adhere to the correct task designators, as specified by the oriningal paper.

For summarization, the appropriate task designator is the TL;DR symbol, which stands for "too long; didn't read".

The "TL;DR" token should be between the input text and the summary.

Thus, we will replace the equals symbol in the data with the correct task designator:

In [9]:
reviews = [review.replace(" = ", " TL;DR ") for review in reviews]
In [10]:
'One of my boys needed to lose some weight and the other didn\'t.  I put this food on the floor for the chubby guy, and the protein-rich, no by-product food up higher where only my skinny boy can jump.  The higher food sits going stale.  They both really go for this food.  And my chubby boy has been losing about an ounce a week. TL;DR My cats LOVE this "diet" food better than their regular food\n'

So far, so good.

Finally for preprocessing, we should acquire a fixed length input. We use the average review length (in words) as an estimator:

In [11]:
avg_length = sum([len(review.split()) for review in reviews])/len(reviews)

Since the average instance length in words is 53.3, we can assume that a max length of 100 will cover most of the instances.

In [12]:
max_length = 100

Setup and Training

Before creating the Dataset object, we download the model and the tokenizer. We need the tokenizer in order to tokenize the data.

In [ ]:
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("gpt2")
model = AutoModelWithLMHead.from_pretrained("gpt2")
In [ ]:
model_pth = "/content/drive/My Drive/Colab Notebooks/gpt2_weights_reviews"

We send the model to the device and initialize the optimizer

In [14]:
model =
In [15]:
optimizer = optim.AdamW(model.parameters(), lr=3e-4)

To correctly pad and truncate the instances, we find the number of tokens used by the designator " TL;DR ":

In [16]:
tokenizer.encode(" TL;DR ")
[24811, 26, 7707, 220]
In [17]:
extra_length = len(tokenizer.encode(" TL;DR ")) 

We create a simple dataset that extends the PyTorch Dataset class:

In [18]:
class ReviewDataset(Dataset):  
    def __init__(self, tokenizer, reviews, max_len):
        self.max_len = max_len
        self.tokenizer = tokenizer
        self.eos = self.tokenizer.eos_token
        self.eos_id = self.tokenizer.eos_token_id = reviews
        self.result = []

        for review in
            # Encode the text using tokenizer.encode(). We add EOS at the end
            tokenized = self.tokenizer.encode(review + self.eos)
            # Padding/truncating the encoded sequence to max_len 
            padded = self.pad_truncate(tokenized)            

            # Creating a tensor and adding to the result

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.result)

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        return self.result[item]

    def pad_truncate(self, name):
        name_length = len(name) - extra_length
        if name_length < self.max_len:
            difference = self.max_len - name_length
            result = name + [self.eos_id] * difference
        elif name_length > self.max_len:
            result = name[:self.max_len + 3]+[self.eos_id] 
            result = name
        return result

Then, we create the dataset:

In [19]:
dataset = ReviewDataset(tokenizer, reviews, max_length)

Using a batch_size of 32, we create the dataloader (Since the reviews are long, increasing the batch size can result in out of memory errors):

In [20]:
dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=32, shuffle=True, drop_last=True)

GPT-2 is capable of several tasks, including summarization, generation, and translation. To train for summarization, use the same as input as labels:

In [21]:
def train(model, optimizer, dl, epochs):    
    for epoch in range(epochs):
        for idx, batch in enumerate(dl):
             with torch.set_grad_enabled(True):
                batch =
                output = model(batch, labels=batch)
                loss = output[0]
                if idx % 50 == 0:
                    print("loss: %f, %d"%(loss, idx))
In [22]:
train(model=model, optimizer=optimizer, dl=dataloader, epochs=1)
loss: 6.946306, 0
loss: 2.313275, 50
loss: 2.081371, 100
loss: 2.080384, 150
loss: 2.071196, 200
loss: 2.179309, 250
loss: 1.935419, 300
loss: 2.011451, 350
loss: 1.980574, 400
loss: 1.855210, 450
loss: 1.986903, 500
loss: 2.003548, 550
loss: 2.083431, 600
loss: 1.981340, 650
loss: 1.922457, 700
loss: 2.141630, 750
loss: 2.239510, 800
loss: 2.168324, 850
loss: 2.148268, 900
loss: 1.916848, 950
loss: 1.999705, 1000
loss: 2.087286, 1050
loss: 1.794339, 1100
loss: 2.022352, 1150
loss: 1.772905, 1200
loss: 2.076683, 1250
loss: 1.713505, 1300
loss: 1.870195, 1350
loss: 1.819874, 1400
loss: 2.044860, 1450
loss: 1.827045, 1500
loss: 2.027030, 1550
loss: 1.979240, 1600
loss: 1.786424, 1650
loss: 2.288711, 1700
loss: 1.786224, 1750
loss: 2.204020, 1800
loss: 1.959004, 1850
loss: 1.924462, 1900
loss: 1.971964, 1950
loss: 1.797068, 2000
loss: 1.862133, 2050
loss: 1.898281, 2100
loss: 2.193818, 2150
loss: 2.005977, 2200

The online server I used was going to go offline, therefore I had to stop training a few batches early. The KeyboardInterrupt error should not be an issue, since the model's weights are saved.

The loss decreased consistently, which means that the model was learning.

Review Summarization

The summarization methodology is as follows:

  1. A review is initially fed to the model.
  2. A choice from the top-k choices is selected.
  3. The choice is added to the summary and the current sequence is fed to the model.
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until either max_len is achieved or the EOS token is generated.
In [23]:
def topk(probs, n=9):
    # The scores are initially softmaxed to convert to probabilities
    probs = torch.softmax(probs, dim= -1)
    # PyTorch has its own topk method, which we use here
    tokensProb, topIx = torch.topk(probs, k=n)
    # The new selection pool (9 choices) is normalized
    tokensProb = tokensProb / torch.sum(tokensProb)

    # Send to CPU for numpy handling
    tokensProb = tokensProb.cpu().detach().numpy()

    # Make a random choice from the pool based on the new prob distribution
    choice = np.random.choice(n, 1, p = tokensProb)
    tokenId = topIx[choice][0]

    return int(tokenId)
In [24]:
def model_infer(model, tokenizer, review, max_length=15):
    # Preprocess the init token (task designator)
    review_encoded = tokenizer.encode(review)
    result = review_encoded
    initial_input = torch.tensor(review_encoded).unsqueeze(0).to(device)

    with torch.set_grad_enabled(False):
        # Feed the init token to the model
        output = model(initial_input)

        # Flatten the logits at the final time step
        logits = output.logits[0,-1]

        # Make a top-k choice and append to the result

        # For max_length times:
        for _ in range(max_length):
            # Feed the current sequence to the model and make a choice
            input = torch.tensor(result).unsqueeze(0).to(device)
            output = model(input)
            logits = output.logits[0,-1]
            res_id = topk(logits)

            # If the chosen token is EOS, return the result
            if res_id == tokenizer.eos_token_id:
                return tokenizer.decode(result)
            else: # Append to the sequence 
    # IF no EOS is generated, return after the max_len
    return tokenizer.decode(result)

Generating unique summaries for a 5 sample reviews:

In [30]:
sample_reviews = [review.split(" TL;DR ")[0] for review in random.sample(reviews, 5)]
["My local coffee shop has me addicted to their 20 oz vanilla chai lattes. At $3.90 a pop I was spending a lot of money.  I asked what brand they used, need nutritional information, of course!  They told me it was Big Train Chai Vanilla.<br />It's important to follow the directions on the can.  I made mine with just milk with a yucky result.  Use the water with a little milk as there is milk powder in the mix.<br /><br />WARNING:It's addicting!!!",
 'popcorn is very good. but only makes about half of it.tast so good like moive theater so so goooooooooooooooooood',
 "Love these chips. Good taste,very crispy and very easy to clean up the entire 3 oz. bag in one sitting.  NO greasy after-taste.  Original and barbecue flavors are my favorites but I haven't tried all flavors.  Great product.",
 'We have not had saltines for many years because of unwanted ingredients.  This brand is yummy and contains no unwanted ingredients.  It was also a lot cheaper by the case than at the local supermarket.',
 "Best English Breakfast tea for a lover of this variety and I've tried so many including importing it from England.  After s 20 year search I've found a very reasonable price for a most falvorful tea."]
In [31]:
for review in sample_reviews:
    summaries = set()
    while len(summaries) < 3:
        summary = model_infer(model, tokenizer, review + " TL;DR ").split(" TL;DR ")[1].strip()
        if summary not in summaries:
    print("Summaries: "+ str(summaries) +"\n")
My local coffee shop has me addicted to their 20 oz vanilla chai lattes. At $3.90 a pop I was spending a lot of money.  I asked what brand they used, need nutritional information, of course!  They told me it was Big Train Chai Vanilla.<br />It's important to follow the directions on the can.  I made mine with just milk with a yucky result.  Use the water with a little milk as there is milk powder in the mix.<br /><br />WARNING:It's addicting!!!
Summaries: {'ADDICTING!!!', 'Addictive!!!', 'Beware!!!'}

popcorn is very good. but only makes about half of it.tast so good like moive theater so so goooooooooooooooooood
Summaries: {'very good', 'good taste', 'not bad, but not great.'}

Love these chips. Good taste,very crispy and very easy to clean up the entire 3 oz. bag in one sitting.  NO greasy after-taste.  Original and barbecue flavors are my favorites but I haven't tried all flavors.  Great product.
Summaries: {'very yummy', 'Love these chips!', 'My favorite Kettle chip'}

We have not had saltines for many years because of unwanted ingredients.  This brand is yummy and contains no unwanted ingredients.  It was also a lot cheaper by the case than at the local supermarket.
Summaries: {'yummo', 'yummy', 'Great product!'}

Best English Breakfast tea for a lover of this variety and I've tried so many including importing it from England.  After s 20 year search I've found a very reasonable price for a most falvorful tea.
Summaries: {'Wonderful Tea', 'The BEST tea for a lover of a cup of tea', 'Excellent tea for a lover of tea'}

The summaries reflect the content of the review. Feel free to try other reviews to test the capbailities of the model.

In this tutorial, we learned how to fine-tune the Huggingface GPT model to perform Amazon review summarization. The same methodology can be applied to any language model available on

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