Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Brett Cannon: Unravelling `break` and `continue`

I have previously unravelled for loops, and so the concept of looping has already come up in this blog post series of removing the syntactic sugar from Python. But one aspect of looping that I didn&apost touch upon is that of break and continue. Both are statements used to control the flow within a loop, whether that it to leave it or to jump back to the top of the loop, respectively.

How the bytecode does it

CPython&aposs interpreter has the ability to jump around to various opcodes. That ability is what allows for break and continue to work. Take the following example (whose print call is there just to have a marker for the end of the loop body):

for x in y:
    if a:
    if b:
Example for loop

If you disassemble that for loop you end up with:

  2           0 LOAD_GLOBAL              0 (y)
              2 GET_ITER
        >>    4 FOR_ITER                26 (to 32)
              6 STORE_FAST               0 (x)

  3           8 LOAD_GLOBAL              1 (a)
             10 POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE       16

  4          12 POP_TOP
             14 JUMP_ABSOLUTE           32

  5     >>   16 LOAD_GLOBAL              2 (b)
             18 POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE       22

  6          20 JUMP_ABSOLUTE            4

  7     >>   22 LOAD_GLOBAL              3 (print)
             24 LOAD_CONST               1 (&aposhi&apos)
             26 CALL_FUNCTION            1
             28 POP_TOP
             30 JUMP_ABSOLUTE            4
        >>   32 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)
             34 RETURN_VALUE
Bytecode for the example for loop

The bytecode at offset 14 is for break and offset 20 is for continue. As you can see they are JUMP_ABSOLUTE statements, which means that when the interpreter runs them it immediately go to the bytecode at those offsets. In this instance break jumps to the end of the function and continue jumps to the top of the for loop. So the bytecode has a way to skip over chunks of code.

How we are going to do it

So how do we do something similar without using those two statements? Exceptions to the rescue! In both instances we need some form of control flow that lets us jump to either the beginning or right after a loop. We can do that based on whether we put the loop inside or outside of a try block.

For break, since we want to jump just passed the end of the loop, we want to put the loop inside of a try block and raise an exception where the break statement was. We can then catch that exception and let execution carry us outside of the loop.

class _BreakStatement(Exception):

    for x in y:
        if a:
            raise _BreakStatement
        if b:
except _BreakStatement:
Using exceptions to desugar break

Handling continue is similar, although the try block is inside the loop this time.

class _BreakStatement(Exception):
class _ContinueStatement(Exception):

    for x in y:
            if a:
                raise _BreakStatement
            if b:
                raise _ContinueStatement
        except _ContinueStatement:
except _BreakStatement:
Using exceptions to desugar continue

Thanks to the end of the try block for continue extending to the bottom of the loop, control flow will just naturally flow back to the top of the loop as expected.

And a nice thing about this solution is it nests appropriately. Since Python has no way to break out of multiple loops via a single break statement (some languages allow this by letting you label the loop and having the break specify which loop you&aposre breaking out of), you will always hit the tightest try block that you&aposre in. And since you only need one try block per loop for an arbitrary number of break and continue statements, there&aposs no concern of getting it wrong. And this trick is also the idiomatic way to break out of nested loops in Python, so there&aposs already precedent in using it for this sort of control flow.

Bringing else clauses into the mix

This also works nicely for else clauses on for and while loops as they simply become else clauses on the try block! So this:

while x:
    print("no `break`")
Example while loop with an else clause


    while x:
        raise _BreakStatement
except _BreakStatement:
    print("no `break`")
Unravelling an else clause on a loop

It&aposs literally just a move of the entire clause from one statement to another!

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