Monday, November 8, 2021

Kogan Dev: Debugging Celery Issues in Django

Lockdown has ended in Melbourne and we’re able to resume mingling, gossiping, and chattering. Just before we could get off our seats and out the door though, Celery (our distributed task queue) jumped the gun and had us all scratching our heads on a recent issue we uncovered at Kogan.

Most Django developers will use Celery at least to manage long running tasks (as in longer than what’s reasonable in a web request/response cycle). It’s easy to set up and easy to forget that it’s running, until of course something goes wrong.

We observed that at around midnight, hundreds of gigabytes of data was recorded as ingress to our RabbitMQ node hosted on AWS, wreaking havoc on available memory and CPU utilisation.

We continued to investigate. CloudWatch metrics unveiled that the data mass was originating from our worker autoscale group, narrowing the search down.

Introducing Celery mingling.

Celery keeps a list of all revoked tasks, so when a revoked task comes in from the message queue it can be quickly discarded. Since Celery can be distributed, there’s a feature enabled by default called mingling which enables Celery nodes to share their revoked lists when a new node comes online. On paper, this sounds like a good thing: If a task is revoked then it shouldn’t be executed! Our use case doesn’t involve revoking tasks so it seemed harmless - if by chance we wanted to revoke a task manually we’d be able to, knowing that it will propagate to all nodes.

Unfortunately there’s more to the revoked list than meets the eye. Here’s a snippet from Celery:

def maybe_expire(self):
        """If expired, mark the task as revoked."""
        if self._expires:
            now =
            if now > self._expires:
                return True

Adding an expiration to tasks is something we do a lot as there are a lot of time sensitive actions to do. If we’ve missed the window, we shouldn’t run the task.

The above snippet shows that when an expired task comes in it gets added to the revoked list! As a result, when a new Celery node came online our existing workers were eager to share their 250MB lists with the new node. Keep in mind that this list is just a list of UUIDs: we have a lot of tasks executing! We quickly turned off this feature after we observed this behaviour. We also noticed that a lot of workers were restarting at midnight - 250MB multiplied by 30 workers restarting is a lot of handshakes and a lot of data!

Looking through the supervisor logs to find the cause of the restarts initially gave a red herring; processes were exiting with exitcode 0. Surprisingly, Celery will also exit 0 on an unrecoverable exception so we started looking through Sentry for anything suspicious. We uncovered this exception:

TypeError: __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'url'

The rest of the trace was unhelpful due to the coroutine nature of its source. At a glance the exception appears to be a bug on our end, but looking at the source reveals it to be a pickle deserialization error.

Ultimately, we found the issue was not an unpickleable class, but an unpickable exception being passed to the retry mechanism. We filed an issue and removed all custom exceptions from the retry method.

If you’re running Celery with a lot of fine tuning with task expiration, we recommend turning off mingling. We’d also recommend not passing custom exceptions into Celery’s retry mechanism and instead log exceptions where they’re initially raised.

from Planet Python
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