Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Not a checklist: different accessibility needs in JupyterLab

JupyterLab Accessibility Journey Part 3

In a pandemic, the template joke-starter “x and y walk into a bar” seems like a stretch from my reality. So let’s try this remote version:

Two community members with accessibility knowledge enter a virtual meeting room to talk about JupyterLab. They’ve both updated themselves on GitHub issues ahead of time. They’ve both identified major problems with the interface. They both get ready to express to the rest of the community what is indisputably, one hundred percent for-sure the biggest accessibility blocker in JupyterLab for users. Here it is, the moment of truth!

And they each say totally different things.

What? Is that not a very funny joke? You’re right, it’s not funny at all; this is a real problem we faced.

When I say it like this, I feel silly that there was ever expectation of perfect agreement. And yet with every accessibility quick guide, code snippet, and blog post (like this one!), I feel as though


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