Monday, August 2, 2021

EuroPython: EuroPython 2021 Attendee Spam

We got reports of some attendees of EuroPython 2021 that a company is trying to sell personal data of EuroPython attendees, which includes name, email, phone number, physical address, company name and more.

Be assured, our database is not leaked. We have security measures to prevent this.
The leaked data does not come from us.

We do not store people addresses, for instance. The sample data they sent is from publicly available data from our present and past sponsors. Ironically, of the various sample email addresses they sent, only one of them is actually in our database - and this email address is available on his website.

So, it is a scam. We have contacted this company already and asked them to stop. In the meantime we are asking all our attendees to ignore the message and treat it as spam.

from Planet Python
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