Friday, May 28, 2021

The Ongoing Journey of AAPI Representation in Tech

This year’s Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month comes at a pivotal time for the community. On the one hand, there has never been more public dialogue about diversity and inclusion, including those issues affecting the AAPI community. Yet, we have also seen a troubling rise in violence and prejudice against Asian Americans in recent months. While there are no simple solutions to these challenges, AAPI Heritage month provides an opportunity to uplift AAPI voices and encourage Asian Americans to share their stories. As a first-generation Chinese American and co-founder of Anaconda, I believe I am responsible for sharing my perspective, particularly about the Asian American experience in the technology field.

from Planet SciPy
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Post a Comment Working with Static and Media Files in Django

This article looks at how to work with static and media files in a Django project, locally and in production. from Planet Python via read...