Monday, May 31, 2021

Python News: What's New From May 2021?

If you want to get up to speed on what happened in the world of Python in May 2021, then you’ve come to the right place to get your news!

May was a month of big events. The Pallets Projects, home to popular frameworks like Flask and Click, released new major versions of all six of its core projects. The Python Software Foundation (PSF) hosted PyCon US 2021, a virtual conference that delivered an authentic in-person experience.

Let’s dive into the biggest Python news from the past month!

Microsoft Becomes the Third PSF Visionary Sponsor

In last month’s news roundup, we covered how Google and Bloomberg Engineering became the first two PSF Visionary Sponsors. At the end of April, the PSF also announced that Microsoft increased its support to the Visionary level.

Microsoft is directing its financial support to the Python Packaging Working Group:

As part of our $150K financial sponsorship of the PSF, we will be focusing our funds to the Packaging Working Group to help with development costs for further improvements to PyPI and the packaging ecosystem. With recently disclosed security vulnerabilities, trusted supply chain is a critical issue for us and the Python community, and we are excited to help contribute to long-term improvements. (Source)

In addition to its Visionary sponsor status, Microsoft also has five Python core developers on staff that contribute to Python part-time: Brett Cannon, Steve Dower, Guido van Rossum, Eric Snow, and Barry Warsaw.

For more information about Microsoft’s support for Python and the PSF, check out its official announcement.

Check out Steve Dower’s account to get an inside scoop on how Microsoft’s position toward Python has changed over the years. You can also listen to Brett Cannon share his experience with Python at Microsoft on the Real Python Podcast.

Pallets Releases New Major Versions of All Core Projects

Two years of hard work from the Pallets team and its many open source contributors has culminated in the release of new major versions for all six of its core projects:

All six projects have dropped support for Python 2 and Python 3.5, making Python 3.6 the minimum supported version. Previously deprecated code has been removed, and some new deprecations have been added.

Some of the major changes affecting all six projects include:

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