Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Sumana Harihareswara - Cogito, Ergo Sumana: Python Packaging Tools: Security Work And An Open Position

Two exciting bits of news regarding massively improving how we package, distribute, and install Python software!

First: a new grant. New York University (specifically Professor Justin Cappos) and I have successfully asked the US National Science Foundation for a grant to improve Python packaging security. The NSF is awarding NYU $800,000 over two years, from mid-2021 to mid-2023, to further improve the pip dependency resolver and to integrate The Update Framework further into the packaging toolchain. I shared more details in this announcement on an official Python packaging forum.

I'll be part of this work, paid to work on this part-time, doing some outreach, coordination, project management, and similar. Thanks to the NSF, Justin, the Secure Systems Lab at NYU, and all the people who work on Python packaging tools!

Second: the Python Software Foundation is hiring a full-time project manager and community manager for Python's packaging toolchain. Thanks to Bloomberg for the funding! Please check out the job description and spread the news. Please apply by May 18th, 2021.

The job is remote and you can apply from anywhere in the world. As the description says: "Total compensation will range from $100k-$125k USD based on qualifications and experience." And you'd report to Ee W. Durbin III, a colleague I strongly recommend and love working with.

I'm thoroughly grateful that we've now gotten to the point where the PSF can hire for a full-time person for this role. As a volunteer and as a contractor, I've performed -- in many cases initiated -- the activities that this person will do, and I've seen the critical need. We deeply need a full-time coordinator for holistically assessing and improving the user and developer experience of Python packaging, because -- as Russell Keith-Magee said in his PyCon US 2019 keynote -- the status quo poses "an existential threat" to the future of the language. And so one of the desired qualifications for the role is: "Belief that Python packaging problems are of critical importance for the Python language... but that those problems are solvable."

We've gotten better and better at attracting corporate and grant funding -- and yes, I'll take some credit for that, with my past work researching and writing grant proposals, leading funded projects, and volunteering with the Packaging Working Group and cofounding the Project Funding Working Group. So, now, what should we focus on? We need to prioritize improvements for strategic value (e.g., should we first concentrate on overhauling the Warehouse API, or making a generic wheel-builder service, or tightening metadata compliance, or ....?). What can we learn from other package management toolchains, especially those that emerged after PyPI and pip (e.g., yarn, npm, cargo), and what should we copy? In my opinion, you do not need to already have an opinion on these questions to apply for this role -- you just have to be interested in talking with a bunch of stakeholders, poking through past discussions, and collaboratively developing some answers.

I won't be applying for this PSF role -- I'm going to be, instead, excited to collaborate with that person and help them learn all the stuff I know, so that in the long run, we'll have more people, with that set of skills and domain knowledge, working on Python packaging. I'll concentrate on the Python supply chain security piece specifically (via the NSF-funded work at NYU), plus finishing my book and maybe creating and leading associated trainings, and taking what I've learned to other languages and ecosystems through client work.

So: please spread the word and apply!

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