Thursday, April 29, 2021

Python Software Foundation: Announcing six scientific Python grants

The Scientific Python Working Group considers funding proposals that advance the scientific use of Python. In the past these have most often been workshops and conferences, but we also fund project improvements and outreach. Recently, we broadened our scope to include developer sprints.

Our most recent call for proposals has closed, and we are excited to announce six grants to:

  • Spyder for the development of online learning content for the Spyder IDE,
  • Nicolas McKibben to implement MRI reconstruction algorithms in PyGrappa,
  • The Carpentries to improve and maintain their Python curriculum,
  • Qu4nt for translating the scikit-learn documentation to Spanish,
  • Rosangela Mesquita for documenting common Continuous Integration practices for PyOceans, and
  • Blosc for the development of a Python wrapper for their new C-Blosc2 library.

We look forward to reporting back on these projects in a few months.

Written by the PSF Scientific Working Group

from Planet Python
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