Tuesday, March 2, 2021

PyCoder’s Weekly: Issue #462 (March 2, 2021)

#462 – MARCH 2, 2021
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The PyCoder’s Weekly Logo

Semantic Versioning Will Not Save You

Semantic versioning aims to both communicate the version of software as well as promise that certain versions won’t break anything. Sounds great, right? In a lot of cases it is, but a blind reliance on semantic versioning can come back to haunt you.

Python and MongoDB: Connecting to NoSQL Databases

Learn how to use Python to interface with the NoSQL database system MongoDB. You’ll get an overview of the differences between SQL and NoSQL, and you’ll also learn about related tools, including PyMongo and MongoEngine.

Automate Python Profiling and Performance Testing


Performance is a feature, make sure it is tested as such. Integrate performance testing in CI/CD. Validate production deploys. Run tests upon any event. Blackfire offers a robust way to run test scenarios and validate code changes, automatically. Discover Blackfire Builds now. Free 15 days trial →

Generate Customizable PDF Reports With Python

Learn how to generate custom PDF reports using reportlab and pdfrw with a PyQt GUI.

Python 3.10.0a6 Is Now Available for Testing

Now including structural pattern matching!


In Python’s near future, indexing may support keyword arguments

For example, you could do matrix[row=20, col=40]. Read more about it in PEP 637.

Python Jobs

Senior Backend Developer (Berlin, Germany)

orderbird AG

Advanced Python Engineer (Newport Beach, CA, USA)

Research Affiliates

Python Tutorial Authors Wanted (Remote)

Real Python

Full-Stack Django Developer (Oslo, Norway)


More Python Jobs >>>

Articles & Tutorials

Navigating Namespaces and Scope in Python

Learn about Python namespaces, the structures used to store and organize the symbolic names created during the execution of a Python program. You’ll learn when namespaces are created, how they are implemented, and how they define variable scope.

Friendly-traceback: Testing With Real Python

See how friendly-traceback improves syntax error reporting by comparing the output from friendly-traceback with examples in the Real Python tutorial Invalid Syntax in Python: Common Reasons for SyntaxError.

Free SQL 101 Workshop with Metis


Register to attend Metis’s next One Hour at Bootcamp workshop on March 3rd at 6pm ET! Our data science team will teach you the core components of SQL queries and how to write moderately complex SQL queries to aggregate data →
METIS sponsor

The Challenges of Developing Into a Python Professional

What’s the difference between writing code for yourself and developing for others? What new considerations do you need to take into account as a professional Python developer? This week on the show, we talk to Dane Hillard about his book “Practices of the Python Pro”.

Brython: Python in Your Browser

Learn how to use Brython to run Python code in the browser. Although most front-end web applications are written in JavaScript, you can use Brython to access JavaScript libraries and APIs and deploy Python-based applications to the web.

Make Tests a Part of Your App

Have you ever written a test that re-implements a library-specific case? What if that test was just a part of the library code? See how tightly integrating tests into your library code can save users time and help them find bugs.

Spend Less Time Debugging and More Time Building with Scout APM

Scout APM uses tracing logic to tie bottlenecks to source code to help developers identify and resolve performance issues at only $39 a month! Start your free 14-day trial today and we’ll donate $5 to the OSS project of your choice when you deploy!
SCOUT APM sponsor

Efficient Postgres Full Text Search in Django

Learn how to optimize a Full Text Search implementation with Django and Postgres. Even on a small table, you can reduce the query execution time from 0.045 seconds to 0.001 seconds!
ADEYINKA ADEGBENRO • Shared by Manuel Weiss

Profiling Python code with line_profiler

Use line_profiler to see line-level execution time for your python code. It may surprise you where your code is slow and what it takes to speed it up!

Projects & Code


PyCon 2021 (Virtual)

May 12 – 18, 2021

Happy Pythoning!
This was PyCoder’s Weekly Issue #462.
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