Monday, February 1, 2021

Tryton News: Newsletter for February 2021

Improvements to Tryton continue to be made. Here you can find the latest changes which have been included in the last month.

Changes for the User

Tryton now displays the reconciliation column on the general ledger line so users can use the field as a search filter.
It’s also possible to filter the general ledger by journal to only display the ledger for specific journals.

We added a new set of reports which display various margins based on the stock moves. You can browse the margins per product or category.

Product variants are now automatically deactivated when their template is deactivated. Also the product supplier and customer can be deactivated and are also automatically deactivated when their template is deactivated.

The sale complaint creates an invoice correction when the action is to create a credit note. This is needed so that the quantity invoiced is kept coherent with the stock move quantity and to update the unit price.

It is now possible to amend a purchase or sale line that does not have a product.

A default lead time can now be set on supplier parties. It is used if the product supplier does not have a lead time or if there is no product supplier.

It is now possible to define a default lead time for all salable products. It is used if the product has no lead time defined.

The desktop client now displays a waiting watch when generating a long report.

It is now possible to define a specific payment term date on the invoice. This is useful when entering a supplier invoice so the exact due date is recorded. It works also for customer invoices.

New Modules

A new module has landed in Tryton that extends the carrier selection to allow use of a country’s subdivision or a zip code expression.

Changes for the System Administrator

All caches are now cleared automatically when a new module is loaded. This means that on multi-server setups, other instances do not need to be restarted if the list of activated modules changes.

The pool of other trytond processes are refreshed automatically when new modules are activated. This avoids the need to manually restart those processes.

A new option has been added to trytond-admin that runs a validation on a percentage of the records, or all the records, from the listed models and reports any errors. This can be used to probe the database after a upgrade to ensure that everything is still correct.

Changes for the Developer

The HTML editor supports now the Genshi element directives. This means that users can now, for example, use it to create email templates with directives like for-loop etc.

We have removed the foreign key constraint for the sequence used to number the invoice. We detected that the foreign key was a source of lock contention.

We improved the execution time of the sale reports by using a Common Table Expression for the currency rate. On large database, the time went down from 2m to 1.5s.

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