Thursday, January 28, 2021

Python Software Foundation: PSF Scientific Working Group announces call for grant requests

The Scientific Working Group of the Python Software Foundation is excited to announce a next call for funding proposals in 2020/2021. The goal of the Scientific Working Group is to advance the scope, breadth, and utility of Python for scientific work. This call places specific emphasis on maintainer / maintenance support, outreach and education, as well as improved infrastructure & documentation. We would be especially excited to fund developers within the Global South.

A proposal might be, for example, to implement continuous integration or overhaul documentation for an existing scientific Python project. Funding is for a maximum of three months. A brief report, to be provided upon conclusion of the grant, will inform future extension or expansion of grants.

Funding guidelines are outlined in the working group charter, and previously funded events and projects are listed on our homepage. Funding is for up to $4,000 USD per project. Project maintainers and creators are encouraged to reach out to the Working Group if they are aware of developers who may benefit from these funds. 

We look forward to sharing the work produced by our grant-holders with the Scientific Python community, and inspiring others to take advantage of these funding opportunities.

Please submit proposals as directed at We have extended our deadline to consider the first batch of grant requests on February 15th, 2021, and announce decisions at the end of that month. Subsequent proposals will be evaluated on a quarterly basis.

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