Sunday, January 3, 2021

Python Pool: Viterbi Algorithm: Implementation in Python

Hello coders!! In this article, we will be learning about the Viterbi algorithm and its implementation in python. It is a dynamic programming algorithm used to find the most likely sequence of hidden states.

Key features of Viterbi Algorithm

  • Dynamic programming algorithm
  • Implemented to find the most likely sequence of hidden states (the Viterbi path)
  • It reduces the number of computations by storing the calculations that are repeated

Mathematical Definition of Viterbi Algorithm:

A path X = (x1,x2,……xT) is generated which basically is a sequence of states x ∈ S = {s1,s2,……sK}. This generates the observation Y = (y1, y2, …., yT) with y ∈ O = {o1,o2,….oN}. Here, N is the possible number of observations in the observation space O.

In this we construct two 2D tables of size KxT

  • Every element of table T1, i.e. T1[i,j]  stores the probability of the most likely path so far = (x̂1, x̂2 …… x̂j) where x̂j = si will generate Y = (y1,y2 …yj)
  • Every element of table T2, i.e. T2[i,j]  stores x̂j-1 of the most likely path so far = (x̂1, x̂2 …… x̂j) ∀ j, 2 <= j <= T
  • The elements of table T1[i,j] and T2[i,j] are filled in increasing order of K.j+i
  • T1[i,j] = max(T1[k,j-1].Aki.Biyj)
  • T2[i,j] = argmax(T1[k,j-1].Aki.Biyj)


  • Observation space O = {o1,o2,…oN}
  • State space S = {s1,s2,….,sk}
  • An array consisting of initial probabilities π = (π1,π2….πk) where πi stores the probability x1 = si
  • Sequence of observations Y = (y1, y2, …., yT) 
  • Transition matrix A of size K x K where A[i,j] stores the transition probability of transiting from state Si to Sj 
  • Emission matrix of size K x N where B[i,j] stores the probability of observing Oj from state Si


The most likely hidden state sequence X=(x1,x2…xj)

Implementation of Viterbi Algorithm in Python with an example:

To illustrate the working of Viterbi algorithm we will be considering an example for better understanding.

Consider a small town where people are either:

  • healthy
  • have fever

Only the doctor can differentiate or identify the people having fever from healthy people. He does so by inquiring about their symptoms. People can have one of the following answers:

  • normal
  • dizzy
  • cold

The doctor believes that the health condition of his patients operates as a discrete Markov chain.

The two states are:

  • healthy
  • fever

However, these states are ‘hidden’ from the doctor. The observations can be:

  • normal
  • dizzy
  • cold

Thus, this forms a hidden Markov model which can be represented has:

observations = ("normal", "cold", "dizzy")
states = ("Healthy", "Fever")
start_p = {"Healthy": 0.6, "Fever": 0.4}
trans_p = {
    "Healthy": {"Healthy": 0.7, "Fever": 0.3},
    "Fever": {"Healthy": 0.4, "Fever": 0.6},
emit_p = {
    "Healthy": {"normal": 0.5, "cold": 0.4, "dizzy": 0.1},
    "Fever": {"normal": 0.1, "cold": 0.3, "dizzy": 0.6},
  • start_p: doctor’s analysis of patients’ state when he first pays a visit.
  • trans_p: change of state
  • In this example, we have considered a 30% change
  • emission_p: how likely a state is determined based on observations
Graphical Representation of above HMMGraphical Representation of above HMM

Now, consider a situation where a patient visits three days consecutively. All three days, he shows different symptoms (normal/cold/dizzy). The doctor’s question here will be:  What is the most likely sequence of health conditions of the patient that would explain these observations? 

This question is answered by Viterbi algorithm.

def viterbi_algorithm(observations, states, start_p, trans_p, emit_p):
     V = [{}]
     for st in states:
         V[0][st] = {"prob": start_p[st] * emit_p[st][observations[0]], "prev": None}
     for t in range(1, len(observations)):
         for st in states:
            max_tr_prob = V[t - 1][states[0]]["prob"] * trans_p[states[0]][st]
            prev_st_selected = states[0]
            for prev_st in states[1:]:
                tr_prob = V[t - 1][prev_st]["prob"] * trans_p[prev_st][st]
                if tr_prob > max_tr_prob:
                    max_tr_prob = tr_prob
                    prev_st_selected = prev_st

            max_prob = max_tr_prob * emit_p[st][observations[t]]
            V[t][st] = {"prob": max_prob, "prev": prev_st_selected}
    for line in dptable(V):

    opt = []
    max_prob = 0.0
    best_st = None

    for st, data in V[-1].items():
        if data["prob"] > max_prob:
            max_prob = data["prob"]
            best_st = st
    previous = best_st

    for t in range(len(V) - 2, -1, -1):
        opt.insert(0, V[t + 1][previous]["prev"])
        previous = V[t + 1][previous]["prev"]

    print ("The steps of states are " + " ".join(opt) + " with highest probability of %s" % max_prob)

def dptable(V):
    yield " ".join(("%12d" % i) for i in range(len(V)))
    for state in V[0]:
        yield "%.7s: " % state + " ".join("%.7s" % ("%f" % v[state]["prob"]) for v in V)


Output python viterbi exampleOutput

Applications of Viterbi Algorithm:

  • Decoding the convolutional codes used in both CDMA and GSM digital cellular
  • Deep space communication
  • Speech recognition and speech synthesis
  • Keyword spotting
  • Computational linguistics

Must Read


In this article, we learned about the Viterbi Algorithm. We saw its implementation in Python, illustrated with the help of an example, and finally, we saw the various applications of the Viterbi Algorithm in modern technology.

However, if you have any doubts or questions, do let me know in the comment section below. I will try to help you as soon as possible.

Happy Pythoning!

The post Viterbi Algorithm: Implementation in Python appeared first on Python Pool.

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