Wednesday, January 27, 2021

PyCharm: PyCharm 2020.3.3 Is Available

The final bug-fix release for PyCharm 2020.3 is out.

You can upgrade to v2020.3.3 with the Toolbox App, or right from the IDE, or by using snap if you are an Ubuntu user. It is also available for download from our website.

Here are the most notable fixes introduced in v2020.3.3:

  • It is now possible to open projects in tabs on macOS Big Sur. [JBR-2893]
  • Fixed some shortcut issues on Macs with an M1 chip. [JBR-2981][JBR-2999]
  • Fixed patch updates for Apple Silicon IDE builds. [IDEA-258792]. Please note that it is not possible to use a patch to update from v2020.3.1 to this build on Apple Silicon.
  • Fixed the IDE’s behavior when you double-click on a file in Local Changes. This action now opens the file in the editor. Alternatively, you can select an option to “Show Diff Instead of File Content on Double-Click” in the context menu. [IDEA-235910]
  • Fixed the incorrect focus when dragging a file over an IDE window in Windows 10. [IDEA-244511]
  • Fixed the completion of field lookups for Django models. [PY-45879]
  • Fixed the problem causing numpy.mean to be flagged as an unresolved reference. [PY-46169]
  • Resolved the issue involving the wrong cell background for deactivated colored cell mode in Powerful Data Viewer, thanks to the contribution of Daniel Schmidt. [PY-45894]
  • Fixed the bug with newly added JSX tags causing simultaneous editing of non-related closing tags. [WEB-49051]
  • In React, code completion now works for dynamically evaluated className attribute values. [WEB-43318]

You can refer to the release notes for a full list of issues resolved in this version. Update to v2020.3.3 now, and don’t forget to share your feedback with us in the comments to this post or post your suggestions to our issue tracker.

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Post a Comment Working with Static and Media Files in Django

This article looks at how to work with static and media files in a Django project, locally and in production. from Planet Python via read...