Thursday, December 3, 2020

PyCharm: New Features and Enhancements in the R Plugin 2020.3

With the holiday season coming, the R plugin introduces more code assistance and runtime capabilities, UX features, and stability improvements. Try them with the brand new 2020.3 releases of JetBrains IDEs.

  1. Use run/debug configurations to manage the way the IDE executes your R code.
    R run/debug configurations
    You can define the command-line arguments of the R script to be executed, the options of the R interpreter, or environmental variables. Configure once and run your script with the same predefined parameters.
  2. With the modified R interpreter selector, you can switch between various interpreters and quickly create new ones.
    R interpreter selector
  3. Code assistance in the R plugin has become even more intelligent. We implemented code completion for
    • S4 objects
      Code completion for S4 objects
    • Shiny applications
      Code completion for Shiny applications
    • DataFrames
      Code completion for dataframes
  4. Try the new way of package documentation preview. You can hover over any function, and the documentation popup appears.
    function documentation preview
  5. More UX improvements and fixes:
    • Better Data Viewer UI
    • Enhanced code debugger
    • Stability improvements for RMarkdown


Download PyCharm from our website and install the R plugin. See more details and installation instructions in PyCharm documentation.

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