Friday, November 13, 2020

Quansight Labs Blog: Querying multiple backends with Ibis

Querying multiple backends with Ibis

In our recent Ibis post, we discussed querying & retrieving data using a familiar Pandas-like interface. That discussion focused on the fluent API that Ibis provides to query structure from a SQLite database—in particular, using a single specific backend. In this post, we'll explore Ibis's ability to answer questions about data using two different Ibis backends.

import ibis.omniscidb, dask, intake, sqlalchemy, pandas, pyarrow as arrow, altair, h5py as hdf5

Ibis in the scientific Python ecosystem

Before we delve into the technical details of using Ibis, we'll consider Ibis in the greater historical context of the scientific Python ecosystem. It was started by Wes McKinney, the creator of Pandas, as way to query information on the Hadoop distributed file system and PySpark. More backends were added later as Ibis became a general tool for data queries.

Throughout the rest of this post, we'll highlight the ability of Ibis to generically prescribe query expressions across different data storage systems.

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