Saturday, October 3, 2020

"Morphex's Blogologue": Adding some reporting functionality

I just added some code to the surveil app, the beginnings of what will be a reporting feature.


I found that the surveil app uses quite a bit of bandwidth when sending video, on the mobile network anyway, so I added an option to just store the videos locally a while ago.

That works, but then the surveillance app can stop making videos for whatever reason and nobody's the wiser.

So I figured it would be nice with a daily report of the videos created, so that it is possible to keep an eye on things, even if videos aren't mailed.

Another thing I'd like to add to the report is the file size and checksum of the video, so that it is possible to see if someone has tampered with the video.

But almost as soon as I got started I got tired, so I'll finish it off later.

Oh and I moved the find command out to a separate file; subprocess.Popen and shell command line arguments turned out to be a bit too complicated.

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