Saturday, October 10, 2020

Full Stack Python: Higher Accuracy Twilio Voice Transcriptions with Python and Flask

Twilio's Programmable Voice API is commonly used to initiate and receive phone calls, but the transcription accuracy for recordings often leaves a lot to be desired. In this tutorial, we'll see how to connect an outbound phone call powered by the Twilio Voice API with AssemblyAI's deep learning transcription API to get significantly more accurate speech-to-text output.

Required Tools for this Application

Ensure you have Python 3 installed, because Python 2 reached its end-of-life at the beginning of 2020 and is no longer supported. Preferrably, you should have Python 3.6 or newer installed in your development environment. This tutorial will also use:

We will use the following dependencies to complete this tutorial:

All code in this blog post is available open source under the MIT license on GitHub under the accurate-twilio-voice-call-recording-transcriptions-assemblyai directory of the blog-code-examples repository. Use the source code as you desire for your own projects.

Configuring our development environment

Change into the directory where you keep your Python virtual environments. Create a new virtualenv for this project using the following command.

Start this Python project by creating a new virtual environment using the following command. I recommend using a separate directory such as ~/venvs/ (the tilde is a shortcut for your user's home directory) so that you always know where all your virtualenvs are located.

python3 -m venv ~/venvs/record-transcribe

Activate the virtualenv with the activate shell script:

source ~/venvs/record-transcribe/bin/activate

After the above command is executed, the command prompt will change so that the name of the virtualenv is prepended to the original command prompt format, so if your prompt is simply $, it will now look like the following:

(record-transcribe) $

Remember, you have to activate your virtualenv in every new terminal window where you want to use dependencies in the virtualenv.

We can now install the required packages package into the activated but otherwise empty virtualenv.

pip install Flask==1.1.2 requests==2.24.0 twilio==6.45.4

Look for output similar to the following to confirm the appropriate packages were installed correctly from PyPI.

(recordtranscribe) $ pip install Flask==1.1.2 requests==2.24.0 twilio=6.45.4
Collecting Flask
  Using cached
Collecting requests
  Using cached
Collecting twilio
  Using cached
Collecting Werkzeug>=0.15 (from Flask)
  Using cached
Collecting itsdangerous>=0.24 (from Flask)
  Using cached
Collecting click>=5.1 (from Flask)
  Using cached
Collecting Jinja2>=2.10.1 (from Flask)
  Using cached
Collecting urllib3!=1.25.0,!=1.25.1,<1.26,>=1.21.1 (from requests)
  Using cached
Collecting idna<3,>=2.5 (from requests)
  Using cached
Collecting certifi>=2017.4.17 (from requests)
  Using cached
Collecting chardet<4,>=3.0.2 (from requests)
  Using cached
Collecting six (from twilio)
  Using cached
Collecting pytz (from twilio)
  Using cached
Collecting PyJWT>=1.4.2 (from twilio)
  Using cached
Collecting MarkupSafe>=0.23 (from Jinja2>=2.10.1->Flask)
  Using cached
Installing collected packages: Werkzeug, itsdangerous, click, MarkupSafe, Jinja2, Flask, urllib3, idna, certifi, chardet, requests, six, pytz, PyJWT, twilio
  Running install for twilio ... done
Successfully installed Flask-1.1.2 Jinja2-2.11.2 MarkupSafe-1.1.1 PyJWT-1.7.1 Werkzeug-1.0.1 certifi-2020.6.20 chardet-3.0.4 click-7.1.2 idna-2.10 itsdangerous-1.1.0 pytz-2020.1 requests-2.24.0 six-1.15.0 twilio-6.45.4 urllib3-1.25.10

We can get started coding the application now that we have all of our required dependencies installed.

Building our application

Time to dig into the code! We're going to write three source files in this application:

  • a Flask app that will handle the phone call and recording
  • a short Python script to invoke AssemblyAI with the recording and start the transcription process
  • a script to print the output of the transcription to the terminal

Remember that you can get access to all three of the completed files in the accurate-twilio-voice-call-recording-transcriptions-assemblyai directory of the blog-code-examples Git repository if you do not want to type or copy from the blog post itself.

Create a new directory named record-transcribe to store your source files and change into the new directory.

mkdir record-transcribe
cd record-transcribe

Create a new file named with the following code:

import os                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
from flask import Flask, request
from twilio.twiml.voice_response import VoiceResponse
from import Client

app = Flask(__name__)

# pulls credentials from environment variables
client = Client()

BASE_URL = os.getenv("BASE_URL")
twiml_instructions_url = "{}/record".format(BASE_URL)
recording_callback_url = "{}/callback".format(BASE_URL)
twilio_phone_number = os.getenv("TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER")

@app.route("/record", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def record():
    """Returns TwiML which prompts the caller to record a message"""
    # Start our TwiML response
    response = VoiceResponse()

    # Use <Say> to give the caller some instructions
    response.say('Ahoy! Call recording starts now.')

    # Use <Record> to record the caller's message

    # End the call with <Hangup>

    return str(response)

There are a couple more functions we'll need to add to but first let's take a look at what the above code does.

We imported parts of both the Flask and Twilio helper libraries, which will enable us to programmatically create and control phone calls that Twilio records. Note that when we instantiate the Twilio helper library with the empty Client() constructor, it automatically looks to read two environment variables, TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID and TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN to gain appropriate permissions to your Twilio account. If those two environment variables are not set with those exact names then you will need to explicitly pass the Account SID and Auth Token for your account into the constructor.

After the import are the Flask and Twilio library instantiations. Then we configure the BASE_URL by reading from an environment variable. In this tutorial the BASE_URL will be from Ngrok, but it can also be your domain where your application is deployed, such as "". We have not yet set these environment variables, but we will shortly after we finish writing

After setting BASE_URL, and the three other variables set by environment variables, we have the record function. This function is a Flask route that generates the TwiML that tells Twilio how to handle a phone call. First, an automated voice alerts the person who picks up that the phone call is being recorded. Then the recording starts. Whatever the person on the call says will be recorded and stored by Twilio.

Finish by adding these two following functions after the record function:

def dial(phone_number):
    """Dials an outbound phone call to the number in the URL. Just
    as a heads up you will never want to leave a URL like this exposed
    without authentication and further phone number format verification.
    phone_number should be just the digits with the country code first,
    for example 14155559812."""
    call = client.calls.create(
    return "dialing +{}. call SID is: {}".format(phone_number, call.sid)

def get_recording_url(call_sid):
    recording_urls = ""
    call = client.calls.get(call_sid)
    for r in call.recordings.list():
        recording_urls="\n".join([recording_urls, r.uri])
    return str(recording_urls)

The dial function creates a Flask route that takes a phone number input as part of the second level path. Note that in a production application you must have better phone number validation or you will have a security issue with unsanitized inputs. We are doing this here to easily grab a phone number as input rather than having to build a whole user interface with an HTML form just to grab a phone number. dial calls the Twilio Voice API using our Twilio account credentials so that we can dial an outbound phone call to the number sent in through the URL. The twiml_instructions_url should be set to the record function URL so that it can give the proper dialing and recording TwiML instructions for how Twilio's service should handle dialing the phone call.

Once we dial the outbound phone call, the call SID is printed to the terminal. We'll need that call SID to get the recording after the call is finished.

Our file is all done. We just need to export our environment variables for our Twilio credentials.

Sign up for Twilio or log into your existing account. Once you get to the Twilio Console, you can obtain your TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID and TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN on the right side of the page:

Twilio Console.

When you sign up you should have a phone number assigned to your account. You can use that or purchase a new phone number to use.

Set three environment variables with the names TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID, TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN, and TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER using the export command in your terminal. Make sure to replace the values with your own Account SID, Auth Token and Twilio phone number.

export TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID=xxxxxxxxxxxxx    # found in
export TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN=yyyyyyyyyyyyyy    # found in
export TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER=+17166382453    # replace with your Twilio number

Note that you must use the export command in every command line window that you want this key to be accessible. The scripts we are writing will not be able to access the Twilio APIs if you do not have the tokens exported in the environment where you are running the script.

There is one more environment variable to set before we can run We need to use Ngrok as a localhost tunnel so that Twilio's webhook can send an HTTP POST request to our Flask application running on our local development environment.

Run Ngrok in a new terminal window, because you will need to keep it running while we run our other Python code:

./ngrok http 5000

Ngrok running with a localhost tunnel.

Copy the HTTPS version of the "Forwarding" URL and set the BASE_URL environment variable value to it. For example, in this screenshot you would set BASE_URL to using the following command:

export BASE_URL=    # use your ngrok URL, or domain. no trailing slash

Okay, we can finally run Make sure you are still running Ngrok in a different window, your virtualenv is active and that in this terminal you have your four environment variables set, then run the flask run command:

flask run

You should see Flask output something like the following text:

 * Environment: production
   WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
   Use a production WSGI server instead.
 * Debug mode: off
 * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)

That is a legitimate warning: only use this command for development purposes and when you want to deploy to production you need to use a real WSGI server like Gunicorn.

Time to test out our application.

Testing Twilio Programmable Voice Recording

We can test our application by going to localhost on port 5000. Go to this URL in your web browser, replacing the "14155551234" with the phone number you want to call, where the person on the line will be recorded: http://localhost:5000/dial/14155551234.

That number should now receive a phone call from your Twilio number. Pick up, record a message that you want to use to test the transcription, and then hang up.

If you get an error, make sure all of your environment variables are set. You can check the values by using the echo command like this:

echo $BASE_URL

When the call is over, copy the call SID show on the web page so that we can use it to look up where the recording audio file is stored.

Twilio call SID.

Go to "localhost:5000/get-recording-url/" with the call SID at the end. For example, "localhost:5000/get-recording-url/CAda3f2f49ff4e8ef2be6b726edb998c92".

Twilio call recording URL.

Copy the entire output except for the ".json" at the end, then paste it into the web browser's URL bar, prepended with "". For example, "". This will bring up the recording. Copy the entire URL and we will use it as input into the AssemblyAI service.

Transcribing with the AssemblyAI API

We can now use the AssemblyAI API for speech-to-text transcription on the call recording that was just made.

Sign up for an AssemblyAI account and log in to the AssemblyAI dashboard, then copy "Your API token" as shown in this screenshot:

AssemblyAI dashboard.

We need to export our AssemblyAI API key as an environment variable so that our Python application can use it to authenticate with their API. We also need to pass the publicly-accessible URL for the recording, so we'll set that as an environment variable as well.

# make sure to replace this URL with the one for your recording
export ASSEMBLYAI_KEY=your-api-key-here

Create a new file named and write the following code in it:

import os
import requests

endpoint = ""

json = {
  "audio_url": os.getenv("RECORDING_URL")

headers = {
    "authorization": os.getenv("ASSEMBLYAI_KEY"),
    "content-type": "application/json"

response =, json=json, headers=headers)


The above code calls the AssemblyAI transcription service using the secret key and passes it the URL with the file recording. The script prints out the JSON response from the service, which will contain a transcription ID that we'll use to access the results after they finish processing.

Run the script using the python command:


You will get back some JSON as output, similar what you see here:

{'audio_end_at': None, 'acoustic_model': 'assemblyai_default', 'text': None, 'audio_url': '', 'speed_boost': False, 'language_model': 'assemblyai_default', 'redact_pii': False, 'confidence': None, 'webhook_status_code': None, 'id': 'zibe9vwmx-82ce-476c-85a7-e82c09c67daf', 'status': 'queued',
'boost_param': None, 'words': None, 'format_text': True, 'webhook_url': None, 'punctuate': True, 'utterances': None, 'audio_duration': None, 'auto_highlights': False, 'word_boost': [], 'dual_channel': None, 'audio_start_from': None}

Find the value contained with the id field of the JSON response. We need that value to look up the final result of our transcription. Copy the transcription ID and set it as an environment variable to use as input by the final script:

# replace with what's found within `id` from the JSON response
export TRANSCRIPTION_ID=aksd19vwmx-82ce-476c-85a7-e82c09c67daf

We just need a little more Python that looks up the result and we'll be all done.

Retrieve the AssemblyAI Transcription

AssemblyAI will be busy transcribing the recording. Depending on the size of the file it can take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes for the job to complete. We can use the following code to see if the job is still in progress or it has completed. If the transcription is done it will print the results to the terminal.

Create a new file named with the following code:

import os
import requests

endpoint = "{}".format(os.getenv("TRANSCRIPTION_ID"))

headers = {
    "authorization": os.getenv("ASSEMBLYAI_KEY"),

response = requests.get(endpoint, headers=headers)


The code above in is very similar to the code in the previous source file. imports os (operating system) from the Python standard library, as we did in the previous two files, to obtain the TRANSCRIPTION_ID and ASSEMBLYAI_KEY environment variable values.

The endpoint is simply the AssemblyAI API endpoint for retrieving transcriptions. We set the appropriate authorization header and make the API call using the requests.get function. We then print out the JSON response as well as just the text that was transcribed.

Time to test out this third file. Execute the following command in the terminal:


Your output will be different based on your recording but you should see a result in the terminal similar to the following:

{'audio_end_at': None, 'acoustic_model': 'assemblyai_default', 'auto_highlights_result': None, 'text': 'An object relational mapper is a code library that automates the transfer of data stored in a relational database tables into objects that are more commonly used in application. Code or MS provide a high level abstraction upon a relational database that allows the developer to write Python code. Instead of sequel to create read update and delete data and schemas in their database developers can use the programming language that they are comfortable with comfortable to work with the database instead of writing sequel statements or short procedures.', 'audio_url': '', 'speed_boost': False, 'language_model': 'assemblyai_default', 'id': 'zibe9vwmx-82ce-476c-85a7-e82c09c67daf', 'confidence': 0.931797752808989, 'webhook_status_code': None, 'status': 'completed', 'boost_param': None, 'redact_pii': False, 'words': [{'text': 'An', 'confidence': 1.0, 'end': 90, 'start': 0}, {'text': 'object', 'confidence': 0.94, 'end': 570, 'start': 210}, {'text': 'relational', 'confidence': 0.89, 'end': 1080, 'start': 510}, {'text': 'mapper', 'confidence': 0.97, 'end': 1380, 'start': 1020}, {'text': 'is', 'confidence': 0.88, 'end': 1560, 'start': 1350}, {'text': 'a', 'confidence': 0.99, 'end': 1620, 'start': 1500}, {'text': 'code', 'confidence': 0.93, 'end': 1920, 'start': 1620}, {'text': 'library', 'confidence': 0.94, 'end': 2250, 'start': 1860}, {'text': 'that', 'confidence': 0.99, 'end': 2490, 'start': 2220}, {'text': 'automates', 'confidence': 0.93, 'end': 2940, 'start': 2430}, {'text': 'the', 'confidence': 0.95, 'end': 3150, 'start': 2910}, {'text': 'transfer', 'confidence': 0.98, 'end': 3510, 'start': 3090}, {'text': 'of', 'confidence':
0.99, 'end': 3660, 'start': 3480}, {'text': 'data', 'confidence': 0.84, 'end': 3960, 'start': 3630}, {'text': 'stored', 'confidence': 0.89, 'end': 4350, 'start': 3900}, {'text': 'in', 'confidence': 0.98, 'end': 4500, 'start': 4290}, {'text': 'a', 'confidence': 0.85, 'end': 4560, 'start': 4440}, {'text': 'relational', 'confidence': 0.87, 'end': 5580, 'start': 4500}, {'text': 'database', 'confidence': 0.92, 'end':
6030, 'start': 5520}, {'text': 'tables', 'confidence': 0.93, 'end': 6330, 'start': 5970}, {'text': 'into', 'confidence': 0.92, 'end': 7130, 'start': 6560}, {'text': 'objects', 'confidence': 0.96, 'end': 7490, 'start': 7100}, {'text': 'that', 'confidence': 0.97, 'end': 7700, 'start': 7430}, {'text': 'are', 'confidence': 0.9, 'end': 7850, 'start': 7640}, {'text': 'more', 'confidence': 0.97, 'end': 8030, 'start': 7790}, {'text': 'commonly', 'confidence': 0.92, 'end': 8480, 'start': 7970}, {'text': 'used', 'confidence': 0.86, 'end': 8750, 'start': 8420}, {'text': 'in', 'confidence': 0.94, 'end': 9050, 'start': 8840}, {'text': 'application.', 'confidence': 0.98, 'end': 9860, 'start': 9110}, {'text': 'Code', 'confidence': 0.93, 'end': 10040, 'start': 9830}, {'text': 'or', 'confidence': 1.0, 'end': 11210, 'start': 10220}, {'text': 'MS', 'confidence': 0.83, 'end': 11480, 'start': 11180}, {'text': 'provide', 'confidence': 0.94, 'end': 11870, 'start': 11510}, {'text': 'a', 'confidence': 1.0, 'end': 11960, 'start': 11840}, {'text': 'high', 'confidence': 1.0, 'end': 12200, 'start': 11930}, {'text': 'level', 'confidence': 0.94, 'end': 12440, 'start': 12170}, {'text': 'abstraction', 'confidence': 0.95, 'end': 12980, 'start': 12410}, {'text':
'upon', 'confidence': 0.94, 'end': 13220, 'start': 12950}, {'text': 'a', 'confidence': 1.0, 'end': 13280, 'start': 13160}, {'text': 'relational', 'confidence': 0.94, 'end': 13820, 'start': 13280}, {'text': 'database', 'confidence': 0.95, 'end': 14210, 'start': 13790}, {'text': 'that', 'confidence': 0.96, 'end': 14420, 'start': 14150}, {'text': 'allows', 'confidence': 0.99, 'end': 14720, 'start': 14360}, {'text':
'the', 'confidence': 0.56, 'end': 14870, 'start': 14690}, {'text': 'developer', 'confidence': 0.98, 'end': 15290, 'start': 14810}, {'text': 'to', 'confidence': 0.94, 'end': 15410, 'start': 15230}, {'text': 'write', 'confidence': 0.96, 'end': 15680, 'start': 15380}, {'text': 'Python', 'confidence': 0.94, 'end': 16070, 'start': 15620}, {'text': 'code.', 'confidence': 0.98, 'end': 16310, 'start': 16070}, {'text': 'Instead', 'confidence': 0.97, 'end': 17160, 'start': 16500}, {'text': 'of', 'confidence': 0.93, 'end': 17340, 'start': 17130}, {'text': 'sequel', 'confidence': 0.86, 'end': 17820, 'start': 17280}, {'text': 'to', 'confidence': 0.91, 'end': 18090, 'start': 17880}, {'text': 'create', 'confidence': 0.89, 'end': 18450, 'start': 18090}, {'text': 'read', 'confidence': 0.88, 'end': 18840, 'start': 18480}, {'text': 'update', 'confidence': 0.92, 'end': 19290, 'start': 18870}, {'text': 'and', 'confidence': 0.94, 'end': 19590, 'start': 19230}, {'text': 'delete', 'confidence': 0.89, 'end': 19920, 'start': 19530}, {'text': 'data',
'confidence': 0.95, 'end': 20190, 'start': 19890}, {'text': 'and', 'confidence': 0.92, 'end': 20490, 'start': 20250}, {'text': 'schemas', 'confidence': 0.86, 'end': 21000, 'start': 20430}, {'text': 'in', 'confidence': 0.94, 'end': 21210, 'start': 21000}, {'text': 'their', 'confidence': 0.98, 'end': 21510, 'start': 21150}, {'text': 'database', 'confidence': 0.97, 'end': 21900, 'start': 21450}, {'text': 'developers', 'confidence': 0.83, 'end': 23200, 'start': 22420}, {'text': 'can', 'confidence': 0.95, 'end': 23440, 'start': 23200}, {'text': 'use', 'confidence': 0.97, 'end': 23650, 'start': 23410}, {'text': 'the', 'confidence': 0.99, 'end': 23890, 'start': 23590}, {'text': 'programming', 'confidence': 0.97, 'end': 24370, 'start': 23830}, {'text': 'language', 'confidence': 1.0, 'end': 24700, 'start': 24310}, {'text': 'that', 'confidence': 1.0, 'end': 24880, 'start': 24640}, {'text': 'they', 'confidence': 0.99, 'end': 25060, 'start': 24820}, {'text': 'are', 'confidence': 0.85, 'end': 25210, 'start': 25000}, {'text': 'comfortable', 'confidence': 0.92, 'end': 25780, 'start': 25180}, {'text': 'with', 'confidence': 1.0, 'end': 25960, 'start': 25720}, {'text': 'comfortable', 'confidence': 0.94, 'end': 29090, 'start': 28090}, {'text': 'to', 'confidence': 0.84, 'end': 29840, 'start': 29180}, {'text': 'work', 'confidence': 0.95, 'end': 30050, 'start': 29780}, {'text': 'with', 'confidence': 0.98, 'end': 30290, 'start': 30020}, {'text': 'the', 'confidence': 0.69, 'end': 30440, 'start': 30230}, {'text': 'database', 'confidence': 0.98, 'end': 30860, 'start': 30380}, {'text': 'instead', 'confidence': 1.0, 'end': 32780, 'start': 31780}, {'text': 'of', 'confidence': 0.98, 'end': 32900, 'start': 32720}, {'text': 'writing', 'confidence': 0.87, 'end': 33320, 'start': 32870}, {'text': 'sequel', 'confidence': 0.88, 'end': 33860, 'start': 33290}, {'text': 'statements', 'confidence': 0.95, 'end': 34310, 'start': 33800}, {'text': 'or', 'confidence': 0.9, 'end': 34460, 'start': 34250}, {'text': 'short', 'confidence': 0.9, 'end': 34790, 'start': 34430}, {'text': 'procedures.', 'confidence': 0.98, 'end': 35270, 'start': 34760}], 'format_text': True, 'webhook_url': None, 'punctuate': True, 'utterances': None, 'audio_duration': 36.288, 'auto_highlights': False, 'word_boost': [],
'dual_channel': None, 'audio_start_from': None}

An object relational mapper is a code library that automates the transfer of data stored in a relational database tables into objects that are more commonly used in application. Code or MS provide a high level abstraction upon a relational database that allows the developer to write Python code. Instead of sequel to create read update and delete data and schemas in their database developers can use the programming language that they are comfortable with comfortable to work with the database instead of writing sequel statements or short procedures.

That's a lot of output. The first part contains the results of the transcription and the confidence in the accuracy of each word transcribed. The second part is just the plain text output from the transcription.

You can take this now take this base code and add it to any application that needs high quality text-to-speech transcription. If the results aren't quite good enough for you, check out this tutorial on boosting accuracy for keywords or phrases as well as selecting a model that better matches your data.

What now?

We just finished building a highly accurate transcription application for recordings.

Next, try out some of these other related Python tutorials:

Questions? Let me know via a GitHub issue ticket on the Full Stack Python repository, on Twitter @fullstackpython or @mattmakai. If you see an issue or error in this tutorial, please fork the source repository on GitHub and submit a pull request with the fix.

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