Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Python Software Foundation End-of-the-Year Fundraiser

We’re excited to announce that plans are underway for our end-of-the-year 2020 fundraising campaign launching on November 23rd and ending on December 31st!

In the past, we’ve worked successfully with organizations such as JetBrains who donated 100% of the profits from the sale of PyCharm to the PSF. The theme this year is geared toward education. We'll be actively supporting Python educators by collaborating with authors, trainers, and education companies that offer their services all over the world. The goal for the campaign is $30,000 and the funds raised will help benefit the PSF, our community, and those who educate Pythonistas worldwide. 

In order to keep this fundraiser manageable for our staff, we have a limited number of slots available. For those interested in working with us, we’ve created an application for participation. Through the application process, we hope to have products and services throughout the world.

100% of PyCon US net proceeds fund the PSF’s ongoing grant-giving and operating expenses. The cancellation of PyCon US, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, financially impacted our ability to continue regular operations. This affects our ability to maintain core Python infrastructure including the Python Package Index, the grants program, and other community support. 

This fundraiser is critically important and the money raised will help the PSF fund the tools and initiatives that Pythonistas use everyday.

How does it work?

Participating companies offer one (or more) product or service during the time period of the campaign, with all or a portion (20-50%) of the proceeds going to the PSF. Including a discount is optional.

Who should apply?

Authors, trainers, and educators that provide products and services focused primarily on Python.

What is the criteria for participation?

  • The products and services offered are primarily Python focused.
  • Your company participates in the Python community and supports the PSF’s mission.
  • Your company agrees to abide by the PSF Code of Conduct.
  • Your company agrees to donate all or a portion of the proceeds of your offer to the PSF general fund.
  • Your company agrees to help publicize the fundraiser during the length of the campaign.
  • To improve transparency, applicants must agree to abide by the Better Business Bureau disclosures and add the following on the site where they will make sales: 
    • Companies must disclose the actual or anticipated portion of the purchase price that will benefit the PSF  
    • The duration of the campaign 
    • Any maximum or guaranteed minimum contribution amount 

Application to Participate in a Python Education Partnership

If you are interested in collaborating with us, please complete our application by September 18, 2020. All applications will be reviewed by the PSF Fundraising Committee. Participants will be notified by October 2, 2020, and details will be sent to those chosen.

We look forward to working with the community to make this campaign a success!

More information about the PSF can be found here.

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