Tuesday, September 1, 2020

PyCoder’s Weekly: Issue #436 (Sept. 1, 2020)

#436 – SEPTEMBER 1, 2020
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The PyCoder’s Weekly Logo

Unravelling Augmented Arithmetic Assignment

Augmented arithmetic assignment happen whenever you do a bit of arithmetic while also assigning a value, such as a += 1. Learn how this assignment works under the hood and how the discovery of a bug in Python lead to the conclusion that most people never use the **= operator.

Common Python Data Structures (Guide)

In this tutorial, you’ll learn about Python’s data structures. You’ll look at several implementations of abstract data types and learn which implementations are best for your specific use cases.

Find Performance Bottlenecks in Python Code


Donald Knuth said: “We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil. Yet we should not pass up our opportunities in that critical 3%.” Blackfire is built to let you find the 3%. Quick install, appealing and user-friendly UI →

Python Dependency Injection

Learn how to use dependency injection to write loosely-coupled yet highly-cohesive code.
JAN GIACOMELLI • Shared by Jan Giacomelli

Writing More Idiomatic and Pythonic Code

Learn some of the idioms and conventions that can make your Python code more readable, effective, concise and reliable.
MARTIN HEINZ • Shared by Martin Heinz

Real Python Office Hours

The Real Python Office Hours is a weekly hangout where members of Real Python get the chance to interact with each other as well as Real Python authors and video course instructors. Join us live on Wednesday mornings!


Snake Game in a Single Line of Python

That’s a.... creative one-liner!

Python Jobs

Senior Backend Software Engineer (Los Angeles, CA, USA)

Tatari, Inc.

Advanced Python Engineer (Newport Beach, CA, USA)

Research Affiliates LLC

Software Engineer (San Diego County, CA, USA)

1Point21 Interactive

Python Flask Developer (Remote)


More Python Jobs >>>

Articles & Tutorials

The Real Python Podcast – Episode #24: Options for Packaging Your Python Application: Wheels, Docker, and More

Have you wondered, how should I package my Python code? You’ve written the application, but now you need to distribute it to the machines it’s intended to run on. It depends on what the code is, the libraries it depends on, and with whom do you want to share it. This week on the show we have Itamar Turner-Trauring, creator of the website pythonspeed.com. We discuss his article “Options for Packaging Your Python Code: Wheels, Conda, Docker, and More,” covering the how of sharing your code.

Why is Nobody Talking about Pandas NamedAgg?

The as keyword from SQL is a wonderful one. You can create a complex function on a database column, and then give it an explicit name. This name can be used later in the pipeline as a reference. pandas, even though superior to SQL in most ways, really lacked this until fairly recently. Not anymore…
DEAN LANGSAM • Shared by Dean Langsam

CockroachDB: Scalable, Distributed PostgreSQL


Never shard a Postgres instance again. Meet CockroachDB, the Distributed SQL database that’s naturally resilient and provides out-of-the-box scalability. Compatible with your favorite Python ORMs, including Django, PonyORM, and SQLAlchemy →

Introducing Constrained Optimization Through Two Simple Examples

Optimization algorithms are the backbone of machine learning and deep learning. Get your hands dirty by solving two classic numerical problems. You’ll learn how to translate an abstract problem into Python code, as well as how to implement a couple of optimization algorithms.
ROHAN-KEKATPURE.GITHUB.IO • Shared by Rohan D. Kekatpure

Editing Excel Spreadsheets in Python With openpyxl

In this course, you’ll learn how to handle spreadsheets in Python using the openpyxl package. You’ll learn how to manipulate Excel spreadsheets, extract information from spreadsheets, create simple or more complex spreadsheets, including adding styles, charts, and so on.

How to Turn an Ordinary gzip Archive Into a Database

If you have a large CSV file, you might use gzip to compress the file when you are storing it. But here’s a thought: why not compress each row of the file and concatenate them into a database of smaller files? Learn how and why you might want to do this.
ARTEM GOLUBIN • Shared by Artem Golubin

Django Redirects

In this course, you’ll learn everything you need to know about HTTP redirects in Django. All the way from the low-level details of the HTTP protocol to the high-level way of dealing with them in Django.

DataCamp Offers Free Unlimited Access

Don’t wait to hone your data skills and future-proof your career. Through September 9, anyone anywhere can enjoy everything DataCamp has to offer—unlimited courses, tracks, skill assessments, and more for free.
DATACAMP sponsor

5 Pairs of Magic Methods in Python That You Should Know

Magic, or “dunder,” methods are an important part of creating custom classes in Python. Learn about some commonly used magic methods by exploring hem in pairs that are frequently used together.

Build Your Own Flight Tracking Application With Python and Open Air Traffic Data

Learn how to use open air traffic data to plot aircraft positions on a map and build an interactive web application using the Bokeh plotting framework.

Projects & Code


PyCon Taiwan 2020

September 5 to September 7, 2020

Happy Pythoning!
This was PyCoder’s Weekly Issue #436.
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