Saturday, August 29, 2020

PyPy Development: PyPy is on Open Collective

Hi all,

PyPy is now a member of Open Collective, a fiscal host. We have been thinking about switching to this organization for a couple of years; we like it for various reasons, like the budget transparency and the lightweight touch. We can now officially announce our membership!

With this, we are now again free to use PyPy for all financial issues, like receiving funds professionally, paying parts of sprint budgets as we like, and so on. We will shortly be reintroducing buttons that link to Open Collective from the PyPy web site.

Although the old donation buttons were removed last year, we believe that there are still a few people that send regularly money to the SFC, the not-for-profit charity we were affiliated with. If you do, please stop doing it now (and, if you like to do so, please set up an equivalent donation to PyPy on Open Collective).

And by the way, sorry for all of you who were getting mixed feelings from the previous blog post (co-written with the SFC). PyPy is committed to continue being Open Source just like before. This was never in question. What these two blog posts mean is only that we switched to a different organization for our internal finances.

We're looking forward to how this new relationship will go!

Armin Rigo, for the PyPy team

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