Saturday, August 22, 2020

Ned Batchelder: Do a pile of work better

A few days ago I wrote about doing a pile of work with concurrent.futures. Since then, I discovered a problem with the code: exceptions raised by the work function were silently ignored.

Here’s the improved code that logs exceptions:

def wait_first(futures):
    Wait for the first future to complete.

        (done, not_done): two sets of futures.

    return cf.wait(futures, return_when=cf.FIRST_COMPLETED)

def do_work(threads, argsfn, workfn):
    Do a pile of work, maybe in threads, with a progress bar.

    Two callables are provided: `workfn` is the unit of work to be done,
    many times.  Its arguments are provided by calling `argsfn`, which
    must produce a sequence of tuples.  `argsfn` will be called a few
    times, and must produce the same sequence each time.

        threads: the number of threads to use.
        argsfn: a callable that produces tuples, the arguments to `workfn`.
        workfn: a callable that does work.

    total = sum(1 for _ in argsfn())
    with tqdm(total=total, smoothing=0.02) as progressbar:
        if threads:
            limit = 2 * threads
            not_done = set()

            def finish_some():
                nonlocal not_done
                done, not_done = wait_first(not_done)
                for done_future in done:
                    exc = done_future.exception()
                    if exc is not None:
                        log.error("Failed future:", exc_info=exc)

            with cf.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=threads) as executor:
                for args in argsfn():
                    while len(not_done) >= limit:
                    not_done.add(executor.submit(workfn, *args))
                while not_done:
            for args in argsfn():

This might also be the first time I’ve used “nonlocal” in real code...

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