Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Israel Fruchter: How much fun was EuroPython 2020

How much fun was EuroPython 2020

#pyconil got canceled

This year I’ve finally got enough courage and will, and I had 2 submissions for #pyconil. COVID-19 had other plans, and #pyconil was canceled

I’ve told @ultrabug about this (Numberly CTO, Alexys Jacob), after a few weeks he surprised me with telling me he’s gonna present scylla-driver in europython2020, the shard-aware driver we were working on in the last 6 months.

At the time it wasn’t yet ready nor publish. (Also found out that Numberly were sponsoring europython for years now) Took me a few seconds to figure that he just set me deadline without my consent…

Fast-forwarding a bit, and scylla-driver initial release came out:

And my tickets for europython2020 were booked…

Discord is fun

Few days before the date, I’ve got an email with instruction to connect to the discord of europython2020, since it’s my first COVID-19 online conference, I’ve registered and login straight away.

It was really nice to be start to start talking with people and meet them a few days before

Each track got its own chat room, backed with zoom webinar and online youtube stream each talk got its own chat room, so people can promote their and answer question before and after the talks. Sponsors had rooms too, and all the sprints had rooms (we’ll get to that later on)

Talk about timing, day before europython2020, this press release came out

Talks — Day 1

The opening keynote was cancelled cause of technical difficulties, that lost touch with whom was supposed to talk. (it rescheduled to next day)

Social — the missing e in my whisky

During the whole day I was playing cat and mouse with people, trying to bring them into the open track, to have a face to face meeting, only later after all the sessions end, some people came in, most of them were the part of the organizing team. Every one where show their beer or whisky that they were drinking. Keith Gaughan was laughing at the ice in my whisky, and also thought me a real whisky is spelled with whiskey with an e in it.

Marc-Andre Lemburg was talking about the challenges they have as organizers, one thing led to anther, and I ask how can I help. He said they need a hand with handling the tweeter account, and that he’ll hook me tomorrow with whom handle it.

After a few more rounds of whisky, I call it a day.

Talks — Day 2



  • packaging -
  • hypothesis -
  • terminusdb-client -

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