Tuesday, June 30, 2020

PyCoder’s Weekly: Issue #427 (June 30, 2020)

#427 – JUNE 30, 2020
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PEP 622: Structural Pattern Matching

This PEP proposes adding pattern matching—a sort of enhanced switch statement—to the Python language. Read the PEP at the link above and follow the discussion on Reddit.

Clinging to Memory: How Python Function Calls Can Increase Your Memory Usage

One of the advantages Python has over a language like C is that you don’t have to worry about how memeory is freed up during program execution. But sometimes Python’s memory management doesn’t work the way you’d expect.

Launch Your Data Science Career With Springboard


Learn foundational skills in Python programming and statistics. With an expert data science mentor in your corner, in just 4-6 weeks, you’ll be able to use Python to complete real-world coding exercises and be prepared to take the Data Science Career Track – complete with a job guarantee →

Python’s reduce(): From Functional to Pythonic Style

In this step-by-step tutorial, you’ll learn how Python’s reduce() works and how to use it effectively in your programs. You’ll also learn some more modern, efficient, and Pythonic ways to gently replace reduce() in your programs.

What Is the Core of the Python Programming Language?

What makes Python… Python? Is it the language semantics? A set of features? What could you strip away and still have something you’d call Python? Everyone needs a little programming language existentialism now and then.

Python Pattern Matching: Guards and Or-Patterns Might Not Interact in the Way You Expect

There’s an implementation of PEP 622 that you can try out here. But it has some potentially confusing effects.

Boston Dynamics Now Sells a Robot Dog to the Public, And You Can Program It With Python

It only took 28 year, but now you can have your very own robot dog. If you can stomach the price tag, that is. But hey, it’s got a Python SDK!

How to Trick a Neural Network in Python 3

Is that a corgi or a goldfish?


What Is the Purpose of Floating Point Index in Pandas?

Considering issues like floating-point representation error, is it ever a good idea to use a float as an index?

Why Is math.sqrt Massively Slower Than Exponentiation?

Is it, though? The square root of 2 might not be a good value for timing comparisons.

Python Jobs

Senior Python Engineer (Remote)


Quantitative Analyst (Washington, DC)


Python Developer (Remote)


Senior Python / Django Developer (Philadelphia, PA, USA)

Syrinx Consulting Corporation

More Python Jobs >>>

Articles & Tutorials

The Python heapq Module: Using Heaps and Priority Queues

Explore the heap and priority queue data structures. You’ll learn what kinds of problems heaps and priority queues are useful for and how you can use the Python heapq module to solve them.

Speeding Up Function Calls With Just One Line in Python

The lru_cache decorator allows you to take advantage of memoization to optimize function calls.

The Cloud Python Developers Love


DigitalOcean is the cloud provider that makes it easy for developers to deploy and scale their applications. From Flask and Django apps to JupyterHub Notebook servers, DigitalOcean enables Python developers to focus their energy on creating software →

Unicode in Python: Working With Character Encodings

In this course, you’ll get a Python-centric introduction to character encodings and Unicode. Handling character encodings and numbering systems can at times seem painful and complicated, but this guide is here to help with easy-to-follow Python examples.

PEP 620: Hide Implementation Details From the C API

Author Victor Stinner argues that Python’s C API is too close to the CPython implementation, which limits available optimizations and hinders the addition of new features. PEP 622 proposes hiding implementation details from the C API.

Python Regular Expressions, Views vs Copies in Pandas, and More

Have you wanted to learn Regular Expressions in Python, but don’t know where to start? Have you stumbled into the dreaded pink SettingWithCopyWarning in Pandas? Then check out this episode of the Real Python Podcast.

Testing Python Code That Makes HTTP Requests

The Dependency Inversion Principle helps you design code that is more extensible and easier to test. You can use it to test code that makes HTTP requests without using mocks.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.2 Brings Faster Python 3.8 Run Speeds

Red Hat explains how they compiled CPython with GCC’s -fno-semantic-interposition flag to get run time speed improvements up to 30% faster than normal.

Mutable Defaults: Contrarian View on Mutable Default Arguments

Should you use mutable objects for default function arguments? Conventional wisdom says no, but has the risk been overstated?
A. COADY opinion

Street Lanes Finder: Detecting Street Lanes for Self-Driving Cars [2019)

Learn how to use OpenCV to detect street lanes in an image of a road.

Projects & Code


FlaskCon (Online)

July 4 to July 6, 2020

SciPy 2020 (Online)

July 6 to July 13, 2020

Happy Pythoning!
This was PyCoder’s Weekly Issue #427.
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