Sunday, June 7, 2020

PSF GSoC students blogs: Week 1 : Adding Fastkml Support

Hello there! 

I have finished with my first week of coding, and it was quite intensive! This week was an icebreaker, started a bit rough, but now it feels much smoother.

What did you do this week? 

As proposed by the mentors, I had to shift the codebase from using lxml API for kml, and shift it to a much more convenient Fastkml. I have completed the major part of it i.e. the parsing, and I am working on the display portion. Also, I did a Bandit run on Fastkml, which threw up 6 Security Issues, and I was able to solve 4 of it. The other 2 require switching the whole fastkml library from lxml dependency to defusedxml, and required functions were not available in that library.

What is coming up next? 

My plan for the next two weeks involve adding External Map Images as well support for Screen / Photo Overlay. I will also be working on the new tests required due to the shift in libraries, and finishing up with the Fastkml Support.

Did you get stuck anywhere?

Yes. I had to deal with 3 libraries ( lxml, defusexml,fastkml), all inter dependent on each other, which was a sure hassle. Another roadblock was while using Fastkml instead of lxml in the codebase. The lxml API returns an object which can be used to call functions, while fastkml doesn't, which led to a total transformation of `````` file. But, I was able to get through it, by giving the code enough time and thought.

Needless to say, I have learnt a lot, and looking forward to the next week!

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