Monday, February 24, 2020

Anarcat: The CLA Denial-Of-Service attack

I just stumbled upon this weird mind bender this morning. I have found what I believe is a simple typo in the Ganeti documentation which has a trivial fix. But then, before I submitted a PR to fix it, I remembered that I had trouble getting stuff merged in Ganeti before. That's because they require a CLA (which is already annoying enough) that requires a Google account to sign (which is simply unacceptable). So that patch has been sitting there for months, unused and I haven't provided a patch for the other issue because of this very problem.

But that got me thinking. If I would want to mess things up real bad in a CLA-using project I don't like and:

  1. find a critical bug
  2. figure out a patch for the bug
  3. publish the patch in their issue tracker
  4. forever refuse to sign the CLA

Then my patch, and any derivative, would be unmergeable. If the bug is trivial enough, it might even be impossible to fix it without violating the letter of the law, or at least the process that project as adhered to.

Obviously, there's a flaw in that logic. A CLA is an agreement between a project and a (new) contributor. A project does not absolutely requires the contributor to sign the agreement to accept its contributions, in theory. It's the reverse: for the contributor to have their patch accepted, they need to accept the CLA. But the project could accept contributions without CLA without violating the law.

But it seems that projects sometimes end up doing a DOS on themselves by refusing perfectly fine contributions from drive-by contributors who don't have time to waste filling forms on all projects they stumble upon.

In the case of this typo, I could have submitted a patch, but because I didn't sign a CLA, again, the project couldn't have merged it without breaking their own rules, even if someone else submits the same patch, after agreeing to the CLA. So, in effect, I would have DOS'd the project by providing the patch, so I just opened an issue which strangely — and hopefully — isn't covered by the CLA.

Feels kind of stupid, really...

Instances of known self-imposed CLA DOS attacks:

from Planet Python
via read more

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