Friday, January 3, 2020

RMOTR: New NumPy and Panda Courses Released

Photo by Feliphe Schiarolli on Unsplash

Happy New Year, Data Scientists!

We’re excited to start 2020 by adding two new courses to our library; Introduction to Scientific Computing with NumPy and Introduction to Pandas for Data Analysis.

Introduction to Scientific Computing with NumPy

The best place to start any journey is at the beginning and NumPy is where it all started. NumPy was the library that gave rise to the Data Science / Python revolution. Therefore, as you’re working through the course, you’ll build upon the foundations of Data Science and large data processing.

In this course, you will explore all the fundamental concepts introduced by NumPy. You’ll work through low level bindings (such as C and Fortan), multidimensional arrays, vectorized operations, and more.

Your instructor, Santiago Basulto, will focus on the parallels between basic Python data structures and NumPy arrays. Specifically, the course will demonstrate how to apply both of them to scientific computing, without forgetting about performance. How does NumPy compare to Python? Is it faster? There’s only one way to find out.

At the end of the course, your final project will involve matrix processing and writing a Sudoku Solver. So if one of your New Year resolutions was to create a program that would solve your Sudoku puzzles for you, you can go ahead and cross that off your list.

Introduction to Pandas for Data Analysis

NumPy may have been first, but the most popular Python library for Data Science is Pandas. Understanding the fundamentals of Data Analysis using Pandas is a vital skill to have in your Data Science toolbox.

In this course, you’ll learn about basic data structures, including Data Frames, Series, Indices, Plotting, and more. However, it’s not just about Pandas. This course, also led by Santiago Basulto, is about Data Analysis and Data Engineering using Pandas. With plenty of exercises and projects, this is a hands-on course designed to turn your knowledge into action. When that Panda walks into a Bar….you’ll be ready.

Jump In

Start the year on the right foot, not by saying “I will” but “I am”. We know you’re going to be accomplishing exceptional things, which makes 2020 look even brighter.

New NumPy and Panda Courses Released was originally published in on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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