Monday, November 18, 2019

Attention! Attention! Tutorial Proposal Deadline Approaching

Tutorial Proposal Deadline is this Friday, November 22, 2019

If you have been considering submitting a proposal, don’t hesitate, don’t wait, now is the time to submit your proposal!

How to Get Started?
  • First, sign up for an account 
  • Once you are logged in proceed to your account dashboard and create a speaker profile.
  • At this point, you can submit tutorials, fill in the fields as follows:
Give your tutorial a name that accurately describes the tutorial’s focus to potential students.

A high-level description of the tutorial, limited to ~400 characters. The description is used to describe your tutorial online should it be selected. So we ask that you make it brief.

At what level of Python and other topic-specific experience or expertise is the tutorial aiming for?

‘Advanced’, ‘Intermediate’, and ‘Beginner’ mean something different to everyone. Feel free to include additional detail regarding the sort of background expected, as well as who may benefit. Reviewers need to know what level of Python experience is targeted and also what level(s) of domain-specific expertise is targeted, for example networking, SQL, database, etc. See our sample tutorial proposals for details.

Please describe what portion of the tutorial you plan to spend on student exercises, lecture, or other activities. We don’t want precision: we just want to know what teaching tools you’ll use, and how interactive your tutorial will be. If you want to describe this via other means, feel free.
NOTE: In past years, we instead requested submitters categorize their tutorials as ‘labs’, ‘workshops’, or ‘lectures’, but found everyone’s definition of those terms varied.

Your outline should list the topics and activities you will guide your students through during your 3 hour tutorial. You may wish to consult the markdown guide for styling. Please err on the side of ‘too much detail’ rather than ‘not enough’.

You should also include timing notes, estimating what portion of your tutorial you’ll devote to each major topic (usually there are 2-5 of those).

The outline will not be shared with conference attendees.

What should my timing notes look like? How precise do I need to be?

We request you provide a rough estimate of how much time (or percentage of the talk) you’ll dedicate to each major topic (not subtopics). We recommend these timings be no more precise than 30-minute increments, but we’ll allow some leeway. Please don’t give your timings down to the minute!

Alternatively, you are welcome to provide the portion of time you expect to spend on each major topic. Please indicate whether you are using percentages or minutes.

Read through the full details on the tutorial information page and look through the sample submissions for more information and guidance on submitting a proposal.

from The PyCon Blog
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