Tuesday, October 8, 2019

S. Lott: Spreadsheet Regrets

I can't emphasize this enough.

Some people, when confronted with a problem, think
“I know, I'll use a spreadsheet.”   Now they have two problems.

(This was originally about regular expressions. And AWK. See http://regex.info/blog/2006-09-15/247)

Fiction writer F. L. Stevens got a list of literary agents from AAR Online. This became a spreadsheet driving queries for representation. After a bunch of rejections, another query against AAR Online provided a second list of agents.

Apple's Numbers product will readily translate the AAR Online HTML table into a usable spreadsheet table. But after initial success the spreadsheet as tool of choice collapses into a pile of rubble. The spreadsheet data model is hopelessly ineffective for the problem domain.

What is the problem domain?

There are two user stories:
  1. Author needs to deduplicate agents and agencies. It's considered poor form to badger agents with repeated queries for the same title. It's also bad form to query two agents at the same agency. You have to get rejected by one before contacting the other. 
  2. Author needs to track activities at the Agent and Agency level to optimize querying. This mostly involves sending queries and tracking rejections. Ideally, an agent acceptance should lead to notification to other agents that the manuscript is being withdrawn. This is so rare as to not require much automation.
Agents come and go. Periodically, an agent will be closed to queries for some period of time, and then reopen. Their interests vary with the whims of the marketplace they're trying to serve. Traditional fiction publishing is quite complex; agents are the gatekeepers.

To an extent, we can decompose the processing like this. 

1. Sourcing. There are several sources: AAR Online and Agent Query are two big sources. These sites have usable query engines and the HTML can be scraped to get a list of currently active agents with a uniform representation. This is elegant Python and Beautiful Soup. 

2. Deduplication. Agency and Agent deduplication is central. Query results may involve state changes to an agent (open to queries, interested in new genres.) Query results may involve simple duplicates, which have to be discarded to avoid repeated queries. It's a huge pain when attempted with a spreadsheet. The simplistic string equality test for name matching is defeated by whitespace variations, for example. This is elegant Python, however. 

3. Agent web site checks. These have to be done manually. Agency web pages are often art projects, larded up with javascript that produces elegant rolling animations of books, authors, agents, background art, and text. These sites aren't really set up to help authors. It's impossible to automate a check to confirm the source query results. This has to be done manually: F. L. is required to click and update status. 

4. State Changes. Queries and Rejections are the important state changes. Open and Closed to queries is also part of the state that needs to be tracked. Additionally, there's a multiple agent per agency check that makes this more complex. The state changes are painful to track in a simple spreadsheet-like data structure: a rejection by one agent can free up another agent at the same agency. This multi-row state change is simply horrible to deal with.

Bonus confusion! Time-to-Live rules: a query over 60 days old is more-or-less a de facto rejection. This means that periodic scans of the data are required to close a query to one agent in an agency, freeing up subsequent agents in the same agency.

Manuscript Wish Lists (MSWLs) are a source for agents actively searching for manuscripts. This is more-or-less a Twitter query. Using the various aggregating web sites seems slightly easier than using Twitter directly. However, additional Twitter lookups are required to locate agent details, so this is interesting web-scraping.

Of course F. L. Stevens has a legacy spreadsheet with at least four "similar" (but not really identical) tabs filled with agencies, agents, and query status.

I don't have an implementation to share -- yet. I'm working on it slowly.

I think it will be an interesting tutorial in cleaning up semi-structured data.

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