Wednesday, October 9, 2019

PyCon: Financial Aid Launches for PyCon US 2020!

PyCon US 2020 is opening applications for Financial Aid today, and we’ll be accepting them through January 31, 2020.

To apply, first set up an account on the site, and then you will be able to fill out the application through your dashboard.

The financial aid program aims to bring many folks to PyCon by limiting the maximum grant amount per person; in that way, we can offer support to more people based on individual need. The financial aid program reimburses direct travel costs including transportation, hotel, and childcare, as well as offering discounted or waived registration tickets. For complete details, see our FAQ, and contact with further questions.

The Python Software Foundation & PyLadies make Financial Aid possible. This year, the Python Software Foundation is contributing $130,000 USD towards financial aid and PyLadies will contribute as much as they can based on the contributions they get throughout 2019.

For more information about go to the Financial Aid page on the conference website.

Call for Proposals is also open!

Tutorial proposals are due November 22, 2019, while talk, poster, and education summit proposals are due December 20, 2019. For more information, see details here.

For those proposing talks, tutorials, or posters, selecting the “I require a speaker grant if my proposal is accepted” box on your speaker profile serves as your request, you do not need to fill out the financial aid application. Upon acceptance of the proposal, we’ll contact the speakers who checked that box to gather the appropriate information. Accepted speakers and presenters are prioritized for travel grants. Additionally, we do not expose grant requests to reviewers while evaluating proposals. The Program Committee evaluates proposals on the basis of their presentation, and later the Financial Aid team comes in and looks at how we can help our speakers.

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