Thursday, August 8, 2019

Moshe Zadka: Designing Interfaces

One of the items of feedback I got from the article about interface immutability is that it did not give any concrete feedback for how to design interfaces. Given that they are forever, it would be good to have some sort of guidance.

The first item is that you want something that uses the implementation, as well as several distinct implementations. However, this item is too obvious: in almost all cases I have seen in the wild of a bad interface, this guideline was followed.

It was also followed in all cases of a good interface.

I think this guideline is covered well enough that by the time anyone designs a real interface, they understand that. Why am I mentioning this guideline at all, then?

Because I think it is important for the context of the guideline that I do think actually distinguishes good interfaces from bad interfaces. It is almost identical to the non-criterion above!

The real guideline is: something that uses the implementation, as well as several distinct implementations that do not share a superclass (other than object or whatever is in the top of the hierarchy).

This simple addition, preventing the implementations from sharing a superclass, is surprisingly powerful. It means each implementation has to implement the "boring" parts by hand. This will immediately cause pressure to avoid "boring" parts, and instead put them in a wrapper, or in the interface user.

Otherwise, the most common failure mode is that the implementations are all basic variants on what is mostly the "big superclass".

In my experience, just the constraint on not having a "helper superclass" puts appropriate pressure on interfaces to be good.

(Thanks to Tom Most for his encouragement to write this, and the feedback on an earlier draft. Any mistakes that remain are my responsibility.)

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