Tuesday, July 30, 2019

PSF GSoC students blogs: Packaging your Panda3D game for iOS

HI everyone,

I'd like to quickly detail how you can help test out the iOS port using your own game. I am making available a wheel that contains all of the files required to develop a Panda app on iOS. To build your game for iOS, there is a new command, `make_xcodeproj` that comes as an addition to the recently released deploy-ng system. There is no formal documentation available yet, but one should be able to surmise how it works based on the source code, located in direct/dist/commands.py. It is best if you get a build of your app using the build_apps command going first, since make_xcodeproj piggy-backs off of it in order to generate an Xcode project.

You can download the wheel here.

See you later!

from Planet Python
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