Friday, June 28, 2019

EuroPython: EuroPython 2019: Call for On-site Volunteers

Ever wanted to help out during Europython ? Do you want to *really* take part in EuroPython, meet new people and help them at the same time ?

We have just the right thing for you: apply as EuroPython Volunteer and be part of the great team that is making EuroPython 2019 a reality this year.

EuroPython Volunteers

Glad you want to help ! Please see our volunteers page for details on how to sign up:


EuroPython 2019 Volunteers

We are using a volunteer management app for the organization and a Telegram group for communication.


We have a few exciting tasks to offer such as helping out setting up and tearing down the conference space, giving out goodie bags and t-shirts, and being at the conference desk to answer all questions about EuroPython, session chairing or helping as room manager.

We also have some perks for you, to give something back. Please check our volunteers page for details.

Hope to see you there !


EuroPython 2019 Team

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