Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Quansight Labs Blog: uarray: A Generic Override Framework for Methods

uarray: A Generic Override Framework for Methods

uarray is an override framework for methods in Python. In the scientific Python ecosystem, and in other similar places, there has been one recurring problem: That similar tools to do a job have existed, but don't conform to a single, well-defined API. uarray tries to solve this problem in general, but also for the scientific Python ecosystem in particular, by defining APIs independent of their implementations.

Array Libraries in the Scientific Python Ecosystem

When SciPy was created, and Numeric and Numarray unified into NumPy, it jump-started Python's data science community. The ecosystem grew quickly: Academics started moving to SciPy, and the Scikits that popped up made the transition all the more smooth.

However, the scientific Python community also shifted during that time: GPUs and distributed computing emerged. Also, there were old ideas that couldn't really be used with NumPy's API, such as sparse arrays. To solve these problems, various libraries emerged:

  • Dask, for distributed NumPy
  • CuPy, for NumPy on Nvidia-branded GPUs.
  • PyData/Sparse, a project started to make sparse arrays conform to the NumPy API
  • Xnd, which extends the type system and the universal function concept found in NumPy

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