Friday, May 31, 2019

metadsl: A Framework for Domain Specific Languages in Python

metadsl: A Framework for Domain Specific Languages in Python

Hello, my name is Saul Shanabrook and for the past year or so I have been at Quansight exploring the array computing ecosystem. This started with working on the xnd project, a set of low level primitives to help build cross platform NumPy-like APIs, and then started exploring Lenore Mullin's work on a mathematics of arrays. After spending quite a bit of time working on an integrated solution built on these concepts, I decided to step back to try to generalize and simplify the core concepts. The trickiest part was not actually compiling mathematical descriptions of array operations in Python, but figuring out how to make it useful to existing users. To do this, we need to meet users where they are at, which is with the APIs they are already familiar with, like numpy. The goal of metadsl is to make it easier to tackle parts


from Planet SciPy
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