Friday, May 31, 2019

EuroPython Society: PyData EuroPython 2019


We are happy to announce a complete PyData track at EuroPython 2019:


PyData EuroPython 2019

The PyData track will be part of EuroPython 2019, so you won’t need to buy an extra ticket to attend. 

The PyData track is run in cooperation with NumFocus.

There are two full tracks featuring more than 30 talks and 4 trainings:

  • 4 trainings on Monday and Tuesday (July 8-9)
  • 34 talks on Wednesday and Thursday (July 10-11)
  • no PyData talks on Friday (July 12)

The full program is available on our PyData EuroPython 2019 page.

If you’d like to attend PyData EuroPython 2019, please register for EuroPython 2019 soon.

Dates and Venues

EuroPython 2019 will be held from July 8-14 2019 in Basel, Switzerland, at the Congress Center Basel (CCB) for the main conference days (Wed-Fri) and the FHNW Muttenz for the workshops/trainings/sprints days (Mon-Tue, Sat-Sun).

Please see our website for more information.


EuroPython 2019 Team 

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